The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1068 Fame Without Sadness

Chapter 1068 Fame Without Sadness ([-])

"Master, what should we do? Nothing will happen to Yuntian and Huang'er, right?" Fengyun's expression was worried.

If she had known that the two of them were going out, she would have blocked everything.It's chaotic outside now, if something happens, how can she explain it like a dead sister-in-law, how can she explain it to the old man.

"It should be fine. Ge'er said that both of them have good martial arts. What's more, they have guards with them." Beichen Mingrui comforted his wife and himself.

Although the people from Murong's family have withdrawn outside, there are still people secretly watching the house.Once Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang couple go out, the other party will definitely report to Murong's family.

In case there is another monster in the Murong family, the consequences...

Beichen Mingrui didn't dare to think about it, so he yelled outside, "Come on!"

"Patriarch, what are your orders?" A guard in black appeared in front of Beichen Mingrui, waiting for his order with a respectful expression.

"You take some people out to find Master Biao and them, and protect them secretly. Once they are in danger, you must take care of them."

"Subordinates obey!"

After the guards in black left, Beichen Mingrui and Feng Yunshi were still uneasy, so they asked Beichen Jiuge to be brought in again.

Not long after, Beichen Jiuge came to the main courtyard where his parents lived.

"The child has met the father and the mother." Beichen Jiuge stood aside after paying respects to the two of them, and asked, "I don't know the father, but what is the order for the mother to find the child?"

"Ge'er, your cousins ​​are leaving the house, do you know?" Feng Yunshi spoke first, with a trace of reproach in his tone.

In her opinion, Beichen Jiuge had a great responsibility for the two of them to go out of the house, and she felt that he did not take good care of them.

"I know, the boy has secretly sent people to protect them." Beichen Jiuge nodded, and the moment he got the news, he had already sent out the people around him.

He believed that with the martial arts of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, plus the people he sent out secretly, no one could hurt them.

"You child, don't you know what's going on outside now? So what if someone is sent to protect them? If the Murong family members go berserk, how can they be opponents?" Fengyun stared at Beichen with displeasure. Jiu Ge, everyone outside is following the lead of Murong's family now, what if the other party wants to harm Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang?
Especially Yehuang, she saved the old man and detoxified him.If the Murong family knew about it, would they let her go?
"Mother, the child is wrong. But mother, don't worry, my cousin and younger brother and sister are powerful people, and it's not easy for the Murong family to hurt them."

"How powerful are they? Could it be that they are stronger than you?" Beichen Mingrui said angrily. Beichen Jiuge is known as the number one expert in the City of No Sadness.Could it be that the martial arts of the two are stronger than Beichen Jiuge?
"Of course! They are much better than me, especially my younger siblings. They are not only good at martial arts, but also very poisonous. No one from the Murong family will be her opponent. Otherwise, why do you think I was able to catch the Murong family before?" Those young masters? It's all thanks to the brothers and sisters."

"What you said is true?" Beichen Mingrui and Feng Yunshi looked at Beichen Jiuge dubiously, wanting to see if he was lying.

However, Beichen Jiuge's expression clearly told them that what he said was true.

"Yehuang looks at such a delicate girl, is she really that powerful?" Feng Yunshi and Beichen Mingrui looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

It's no wonder they didn't believe it, Yehuang really looked like a woman who wanted to be protected.

 Thank you Nancheng Liuliyue for your tip, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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