Chapter 1071

"Third Young Master, I don't know what to do with this old man?" Dr. Liu looked at the man and asked.Ever since he had a conflict with Beichen Jiuge that day and broke up unhappy, Doctor Liu left Beichen's house.

"You just came out of Beichen's house, do you know the miraculous doctor Beichen Jiuge brought back?" The third son looked at Doctor Liu and asked.

His mother is not in good health, and has been bedridden all these years. She has seen many doctors, but she has not improved.No, I heard that Dr. Liu had controlled the poison on old Mr. Beichen's body, so I came here.

But he didn't want to, when he found Dr. Liu, he heard about a miraculous doctor with better medical skills than him, and now this person is likely to be in his teahouse, how could he miss it?
"Is that the Immortal Doctor you are talking about?" Dr. Liu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the third young master's question.It is said that peers are inferior to each other. Although he doesn't like Yehuang, he admires her medical skills very much.

After all, he had been researching for more than a month and hadn't been able to develop an antidote, but she had detoxified old Mrs. Beichen as soon as she came, and he couldn't help but admire her.

"Medical Immortal?" Now it was the third son's turn to be surprised. He only knew that the other party was rumored to be a miracle doctor, but he never knew that the other party had a name called Medical Immortal.

"That's right, that miracle doctor has a title, called Immortal Doctor." Doctor Liu said about Ye Huang, with envy and hatred in his tone.

"So that's it!" The third young master nodded, and asked again: "So, Dr. Liu already knows the other party."

"We met once." Doctor Liu replied with some embarrassment. If he wasn't too self-righteous, maybe they could still communicate a little bit.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the other party was a medical fairy at the beginning, so he missed the opportunity.Later, he wanted to make friends with the other party, but because of some unhappiness with Mr. Beichen, he left Beichen's house in a fit of anger.

Thinking about it now, he still has some regrets.I regret that I shouldn't have acted so quickly and missed such an opportunity to communicate with the medical immortal.

"Well, then you and I will go to meet two people and see if there is a medical fairy among them."

"What?" Dr. Liu was taken aback, looked at the third young master, and asked, "Did the Immortal Yi leave Beichen's house?"

"I can't tell right now, but I'll know when I meet you later." Xiaoer also said that it was only a guess, not sure.

"Okay, okay, the old man will go with the young master." Dr. Liu became happy. If he could meet the Immortal Doctor, he would definitely not miss this opportunity.

"Then let's go." The third young master glanced at Dr. Liu, seeing his excitement, his eyes flickered.

"Third Young Master please first!"

Doctor Liu and the third son left the backyard, and as soon as they entered the teahouse, they saw a group of men in gray rushing in, and asked Xiao Er fiercely: "We are from the Murong family, someone saw two strangers entering your teahouse ,where are they?"

"You, what do you want to do?" Xiao Er was startled when he saw the group of men in gray clothes.Especially when they heard that they reported their families as members of Murong's family, their faces were very ugly.

To be honest, they did not agree with some of the practices of the Murong family.It's a pity that the Beichen family was severely suppressed by the Murong family before, and they had no choice but to compromise.

Now, people from the Murong's family openly broke into the teahouse to arrest people, it's really too much.

The hateful thing is that he is just a small shop waiter, and he has no way to compete with these people.Even if the son came forward, he might not be able to stop them.

Xiao Er was struggling, and just when he didn't know whether to tell the other party, a cold voice sounded from upstairs: "Are you looking for us?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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