Chapter 1072

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up and saw a man and a woman standing in the corridor on the second floor.The man is peerless and domineering.The beauty of the woman is unparalleled, and she can overwhelm the country and the city.

Looking at everyone's obsessed gazes, Shangguan Yuntian was completely cold.All of a sudden, the temperature of the whole teahouse dropped several degrees in an instant.Some people even shivered uncontrollably.

What's going on, why is it suddenly cold?

Those who found fault were also shocked by the elegance of the two, and looked at them blankly, forgetting their purpose of coming.

Yehuang looked at her, curled her lips slightly, and sneered.

"Oh my god, those two look so good!"

"Yeah, better looking than Mr. Beichen."

"Hey, do you think that man looks similar to Mr. Beichen, but Mr. Beichen looks more easy-going, and that man seems difficult to get close to?"

"Don't tell me I haven't discovered that that man really looks a lot like Mr. Beichen. They can't be brothers, right?"

"Are you kidding me? I've never heard that Mr. Beichen has a brother."

"It's definitely not Mr. Beichen's brothers. Didn't you hear that they came from outside?"

"But they really look like it."

"There are people who look alike in this world, maybe they have nothing to do with each other."

"Tch, not a real brother, but a cousin, okay? I heard that Mr. Beichen once had an aunt who disappeared later. Maybe that man is his aunt's son."

"real or fake?"

"I think that girl is beautiful, even more beautiful than Murong Yuan, the number one beauty in our city of no sorrow."

"It doesn't matter how beautiful you are, okay? Didn't you see that man's eyes?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you look at that woman again, maybe that man will goug your eyeballs."

"What, no way! I just admire beauties, and I didn't do anything."

"Will you know if you try it?"

"Forget it, I don't want to try it anymore. Although a beauty is beautiful, life is the most important thing."

The following discussions reached the ears of Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, causing them to frown in displeasure.If it wasn't for the fear of implicating others, how could they come out of the private room.

But now it seems that it is really an unwise choice for them to come out.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Yuntian put his arm around Yehuang's shoulder, planning to go back to the private room.

Seeing that the two of them were going to leave, those Murong family members came back to their senses and shouted: "Stop!"

"I don't know what advice you guys have?" Ye Huang glanced at the man in gray and asked coldly.These people couldn't wait to come to die, but they fell into her arms.

"You two come with us." The leader of a man in gray said, they are here to arrest two people today.

Because these two were distinguished guests invited by Beichen's family, and they also helped Beichen Jiuge capture the young masters of Murong's family.So they felt that as long as they caught these two, they would definitely be able to exchange for the young masters of the Murong family.

This was also Murong Hui's idea, he had thought of many ways before, whether it was compromise, begging, or coming to the door in person, Beichen's family didn't let go.

Just when he was about to put all his eggs in one basket, he heard from his subordinates that two people that Beichen's family had invited from outside had left Beichen's mansion and were walking around the street.

Hearing this news, Murong Hui was very happy.This is really a god-sent opportunity.Therefore, he immediately ordered the Murong family's guards to be dispatched, and they must be caught.

 Thank you Yanne and Habit to sleep on your right for your tip, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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