Chapter 1073 Family Recognition ([-])

At that time, he can take the two of them to negotiate with Beichen Mingrui.He didn't believe it anymore. At that time, Beichen Mingrui would still dare to take Joe?

"What if we say no?" Yehuang replied flatly, but anyone could hear the coldness in her words.

As for Shangguan Yuntian, although he didn't speak, the evil spirit in his body made many people tremble.Being so close, I felt my legs go limp.

"Don't be shameless!" The gray-clothed man was annoyed, and with a wave of his hand, several subordinates immediately walked towards the stairs.

"The shameless ones, I think it's you." Ye Huang's voice was very calm, no emotion could be heard.She watched those people step up the stairs, a dark light flashed in her eyes, she flicked her fingertips slightly, and a few embroidery needles flew out, heading straight for the knee of the man in gray.

Following her movements, the men in gray who had just stepped up the stairs rolled down the stairs with their knees weak and unable to stand.

The third young master and Doctor Liu who were standing in the corner of the lobby did not see Yehuang's attack clearly because they were far away.So, he looked at the man in gray who kept yelling in surprise, with a look of deep thought.

Of course, there were a few who were close and had good eyesight. After seeing Ye Huang's movements, their eyes became more serious.Originally thought that Yehuang was just a vase-like figure because of her beauty, but she didn't expect her to have a few tricks.

Sure enough, people are not judged by appearances, even a delicate little girl is so cruel, let alone the man beside her who is not easy to mess with at first sight?
So, for a while, the teahouse became quiet, except for the shouts of the men in gray clothes, there was no other sound.

"Who, who hurt the person?" The leader in gray asked ferociously.He didn't see Yehuang make a move, but watched his subordinates roll down, screaming for pain, with an ugly expression on his face.His eyes swept around, looking for the murderer.

Since he hated his subordinates for being useless and embarrassing himself, he also hated those who came out.

It's a pity that no one answered his words, which made him even more annoyed, and threatened loudly: "No one will admit it, right? When we catch those two people, none of you will try to escape."

"Yo, what a bold tone. Do you have the ability to catch us?" Yehuang sneered when she heard what the man in gray said.

Just relying on these trash, you still want to catch them?dream.I really don't know what the people of Murong's family think, they sent these people here.I don't know if I am too confident or look down on them.

"If you have that ability, you will know if you try it." The gray-clothed man's face was so ugly that he was squeezed by Yehuang, and he said to a large group of subordinates who followed him: "What are you still doing in a daze, don't let me do it!"

After the sound fell, a group of people quickly ran towards the stairs.

Some of them couldn't wait, so they directly used lightness kung fu, and rushed towards Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian in the corridor.

Looking at a group of people who were overthinking their own abilities, Ye Huang shook her head speechlessly, and then ordered Dong who was standing behind her: "Bring the plate of peanuts in the room."

When Dong heard this, he turned and went into the room, and brought peanuts.

Yehuang reached out and grabbed a handful, then threw it at the men in gray who were climbing the stairs.Grains of peanuts and Yehuang's inner strength hit those who climbed the stairs like needles. The pain caused them to cry out, and at the same time, they fell down on the stairs one by one like an arhat.

As for the people who used lightness skills to go upstairs, they were thrown away by Shangguan Yuntian with a wave of their sleeves before they got close, and they were thrown heavily on the ground, or on the tables and chairs, making bang bang and wailing sounds .

(End of this chapter)

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