Chapter 1076

Thinking about it, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian exchanged glances, and then said to Fengyun Third Young Master: "If that's the case, then do as you say. If you save your mother, then you must work hard for us for ten years. Ten years later , we give you back your freedom."

"Really?" Third Young Master Fengyun looked at Yehuang blankly. Although he was sincere, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly, which made him overjoyed.

With the help of a miracle doctor, his mother was saved.

Thinking about it, Third Young Master Fengyun stepped forward, solemnly saluted Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang, and said, "Third Young Master Fengyun thanked you, Young Master, madam."

"Get up, whether you can cure your mother's illness, you have to see someone first. I don't know if your mother lives far from here. If not, you can go and see after lunch later." .”

"Not far, not far, she lives in the backyard of this teahouse." Third Young Master Fengyun became excited when he heard that Yehuang was going to see his mother.

Originally thought that it would take some time to impress the other party, so as to obtain the opportunity for the other party to treat his mother, but he didn't expect Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang to be so talkative and agree so quickly.

"That's fine, after a while the matter on our side is dealt with, then go and see your mother."

"Thank you, Ma'am." After thanking Yehuang, Third Young Master Fengyun took Dr. Liu out without staying in the private room.

Originally, Dr. Liu was unwilling to leave. After all, this opportunity was rare. He wanted to chat with Yehuang about medical skills, but he didn't want to be dragged away by Fengyun Sanshao.

When the two of them left the private room, Dr. Liu looked at Fengyun Third Young Master with a puzzled expression on his face, and asked, "Third Young Master, why don't you let me stay?"

"Doctor Liu, what do you want to do here?" Third Young Master Feng Yun glanced at Doctor Liu indifferently and asked.It was the first time he met such a blind person, didn't he see that the young man's face turned black?
He can guarantee that if Dr. Liu stares at the lady like this again, that son will definitely dig out Dr. Liu's eyeballs.

"Of course it is to discuss medical issues with the genius doctor." Dr. Liu said without thinking.

Third Young Master Fengyun looked at Doctor Liu, shook his head and said, "Doctor Liu, your EQ is really worrying."

"What do you mean?" Dr. Liu looked at the other party with a puzzled face. He just wanted to exchange medical skills and treatment experience with Yehuang. Why is his EQ so worrying?

"Literally." Third Young Master Fengyun didn't want to say more, and went out of the building directly to the backyard.He had to tell his mother the news and make her happy too.

After entering the backyard, Third Young Master Fengyun ignored Dr. Liu and went directly to the yard where his mother lived.Entering the room, looking at the emaciated mother lying on the bed, a sad look flashed in the eyes of Third Young Master Fengyun.

It's just that when he approached the bed, the sad expression disappeared without a trace, replaced by a smile on his face.

"Mother!" Third Young Master Fengyun sat up in front of his mother's bed, took her hand that was on the bed and held it in his own.

"Son, why are you here? Are you done with your work?" Mother Feng looked at her son with a loving expression on her face.She knew that her son had endured a lot because of her illness, so she tried her best not to drag him down and worry him as much as possible.

Even if her body hurts badly, she will pretend nothing happened.

It's just that Mother Feng didn't know that the more she behaved like this, the more she endured, the more Fengyun Third Young Master felt distressed and blamed herself.

 Thank you for not being worthy of having and Yao'er?Thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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