Chapter 1077

He hated himself for being incompetent, for being useless, for not being able to find a good doctor to treat her, and even for not being able to take care of her.

"Mother, I'm done with things, I'll come and see you." Fengyun Third Young Master looked at his mother with soft brows and a slight smile on his lips.Since she fell ill, she has been so thin that she is almost out of shape.In the past, my mother was thin, but now she can fall down when the wind blows.There is no flesh on that body at all, except for the bones, which are still bones.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Mother Feng looked at her son with a smile on her face, enduring the pain from her body.

If it wasn't because she couldn't worry about her son, she might have passed away long ago, so how could it be delayed until now.Originally, she didn't want to drag her son down, but seeing her son do so much for her, she couldn't bear to leave him behind.

Therefore, even though she had to drink medicine every day and endured the torture of illness and hatred every day, she still didn't want to disappoint her son and lived tenaciously.

"Mother, you will be fine. A genius doctor came to the city a few days ago, and she promised to come to see you in the afternoon." Fengyun Third Young Master knew that his mother was comforting him. It's not that he hasn't seen her in pain, but he never Not to mention, just like his mother never cried out pain in front of him.

They were all thinking about each other, silently bearing the pain alone.

"Miraculous doctor? Do you want to see me?" Mother Feng was surprised when she heard the words of Third Young Master Fengyun. Hope surged again.

Mother Feng and her son have lived together for more than ten years. Seeing her son working hard because of her illness, watching him even leave the family because of her illness, the only thought in her heart is to live longer, and not to disappoint her son. This painstaking effort.

Now that she heard that a miracle doctor had come and was coming to treat her, Mother Feng felt happy and her spirits were lifted.

At this moment, she ignored even the pain on her body.There is only one sentence in her mind, that is, the genius doctor is coming to treat her.

"Yes, mother, she is in the teahouse in front now. It's just that there are still some things to deal with, so I have to come here later."

"No rush!" Mother Feng shook her head, her illness has been dragging on for several months, so why would she care about this moment.

It's just that she was happy, but she was still a little worried.She was worried that if the genius doctor couldn't cure her illness, Third Young Master Fengyun would be sad and even collapse, so she held onto Third Young Master Fengyun's hand tightly and said, "Son, if your mother's illness can't be cured, you can Don't be sad, you know?"

"Mother, don't worry, she can definitely cure you." Third Young Master Fengyun looked at his mother and said seriously.He had an intuition that Yehuang would definitely be able to cure his mother's illness.

Although he didn't know where this intuition came from, he believed in Ye Huang and believed that she would be the salvation of their mother and child.

"What if it can't be cured?" Mother Feng doesn't have the confidence of Third Young Master Fengyun, after all, she has seen many doctors, but none of them are cured.Therefore, she didn't have much confidence in the miracle doctor she had never met.

"Mother, there will be no accidents. You don't know that the old man Beichen was poisoned before, and no doctor in the whole city of Wusai could cure it. But as soon as the genius doctor came, he cured the poison. Also, yesterday Beichen's family A wife of mine gave birth, and both the doctor and the midwife said that they would die, and it was the divine doctor who begged their mother and child."

In order to make his mother have confidence in Yehuang, Third Young Master Fengyun told her about Yehuang's saving lives in the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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