Chapter 1079

Seeing that it was already lunch time, the two of them didn't stay in the teahouse too much. After leaving the private room and leaving the teahouse, they found a nice restaurant for dinner.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian returned to the teahouse again after lunch because they had promised Third Young Master Fengyun to go to treat his mother.

Third Young Master Fengyun had been waiting in the lobby of the teahouse since he had lunch. When he saw the two people coming, he immediately went up to meet them and said hello: "I have seen you, Mrs. Madam."

"Lead the way ahead." Yehuang glanced at Third Young Master Fengyun, and was a little more satisfied with him.It seems that he is really a very filial person as rumored outside.

"Please, both!" Third Young Master Fengyun led the two of them through the lobby of the tea house and walked towards the back door.After passing through the back door, a large courtyard landed in front of Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

The yard is not big, with only two entrances, but it looks very delicate.

Third Young Master Fengyun walked through the courtyard and came to the wing room where his mother lived. He turned to Yehuang and said, "Ma'am, this is where my mother lives."

Yehuang glanced at the environment next to the room lightly, and then said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Yuntian, wait for me outside for a while, I'll go and have a look."

"it is good!"

Shangguan Yuntian nodded, signaling Yehuang to leave him alone.

At this moment, Third Young Master Fengyun brought a man who looked like a housekeeper to Shangguan Yuntian, and said apologetically, "My lord, this is the housekeeper in the mansion, and he will take you to the living room for tea. If you are negligent, you should still drink tea." Hope your son Haihan."

"No problem!" Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, followed the butler to the living room to rest.

Seeing the housekeeper and Shangguan Yuntian leave, Third Young Master Fengyun made a gesture of invitation to Yehuang, and then gently pushed open the door of the room.

Mother Feng heard the movement and asked softly, "Is it a child?"

"Mother, it's me. I brought the miracle doctor." Third Young Master Fengyun replied, and entered the room first.

Mother Feng was a little excited when she heard that the genius doctor was coming, and said, "The genius doctor is here, hurry up, please come in."

Yehuang walked into the room with strides, and walked towards the sick mother Feng.As she walked, she surveyed the room.

The air in the room is not bad, except for a strong smell of medicine, there is no sense of dullness.The window on the side also opened a corner to keep the room ventilated and circulate the air at all times.

It can be seen that Fengyun Third Young Master still cares about Fengmu.

Hearing footsteps that were different from her son's, Mother Feng was a little curious, and looked at her while expressing apology.

"Miraculous doctor, I'm sorry. The old woman is not feeling well, so she couldn't get up to greet her. I hope the divine doctor will not be offended."

As soon as she finished speaking, when she saw Yehuang's appearance, she froze for an instant.After that, her eyes became blurred, and she shouted: "Axue, Axue, is that you?"

Seeing Fengmu's demonic appearance, Yehuang was taken aback.Especially when she heard her calling herself 'Axue', she was a little puzzled, thinking to herself, could it be that she looks like Fengmu's old friend?
Third Young Master Fengyun was also frightened by his mother's sudden change.He went up to hold her hand and shouted, "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you?"

However, Mother Feng ignored him, staring straight at Yehuang with a pair of eyes, and tried to stretch out her hand while shouting 'Axue'.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Ye Huang frowned slightly, glanced at the hand that was stretched out towards her, felt unbearable, and slowly put her hand on it.

But at the moment when the two held hands together, tears fell from Fengmu's eyes.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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