The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1080 Recognition of relatives

Chapter 1080 Recognition of Relatives ([-])

"Axue, it's really you, it's great that you're still alive."

"Axue, I'm sorry, sister. I shouldn't have lost you, I'm sorry!"

"Axue, Axue, you came to see my sister, you forgive my sister, don't you?"

"Axue, to see you again, my sister will have no regrets in this life."


Listening to Fengmu's words, Yehuang and Fengyun Sanshao were completely stunned, looking at each other, unable to recover for a long time.

What's happening here?How did my own mother become like this?

Listening to what she said, it seemed that she had an aunt who happened to look a little like the genius doctor.So the mother was confused for a while and took the genius doctor as an aunt?

Thinking of this, Third Young Master Fengyun felt a little dizzy, looked at Yehuang with an apologetic face, and said, "Madam, I'm sorry, my mother may be hysterical."

"It's okay, let her vent. It's only good for her to vent out the stagnation in her chest, not bad."

Yehuang shook her head lightly, and observed Fengmu seriously.After some observation, she was sure that the other party was not suffering from hysteria.But when he suddenly saw her, who looked like Feng Mu's old friend, he just lost his mind.

After a while, she will be fine.

Sure enough, Mother Feng grabbed Yehuang's hand and cried for a while, then slowly recovered.When her eyes became clear, her complexion changed instantly.She looked at Yehuang without blinking, a little embarrassed and a little excited.

"Madam is not in good health, don't get too excited, just say what you want to say slowly." Ye Huang said before Feng Mu could speak.

"Okay, okay, I'm not excited, I'll speak slowly." Mother Feng nodded, then raised her bony hand to caress Yehuang's face.

"Like, really like! At your age, Ah Xue looks almost exactly like you."

Mother Feng was talking to herself, but Yehuang and Fengyun Third Young Master were confused and asked, "Ma'am, who is the Axue you are talking about?"

"Yes, mother, who is Axue?"

"Axue, she is my younger sister, the sister of the same mother and compatriot." Mother Feng said, her face gradually became gentle, and she said: "We have no parents since we were young. Me and Ah Xue depended on each other for life. I thought we could always be together, but when the war came, Axue and I were separated. Over the years, I have been inquiring about her, but I have never heard of her until I saw the girl."

Mother Feng's eyes fell on Ye Huang's face again, watching her face gradually overlap with the person in her memory.

"The girl really looks a lot like her. I would like to ask, is the girl's mother surnamed Nangong, with the single name Xue?"

Hearing this, Yehuang was stunned, looked at Fengmu with a strange expression, and asked after a while: "The name of Axue Madam said is Nangongxue?"

"Yes, my name is Nangong Yu, and my younger sister Axue's name is Nangong Xue. Why, does the girl know that Nangong Xue is?" Mother Feng became excited again, and asked Ye Huang's hand tightly, "Tell me Me, where is she?"

Yehuang took a deep look at Feng's mother, and then said: "Ma'am, my mother's name is Nangongxue. As for whether it is your sister, I don't know. Because when I was very young, my mother passed away. .”

"What? Axue is gone?" Feng's face changed, and his whole body was lost.

There is only one thought in my mind, that is, Axue is gone, and her sister is gone.

 Thank you Qingyou for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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