The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1081 Beichen counterattacks

Chapter 1081 Beichen counterattacks ([-])

Seeing his mother like this, Third Young Master Fengyun was very worried, and shouted loudly: "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, okay?"

He yelled for a long time before Mother Feng came back to her senses, looked at him sadly and said, "Son, your aunt is gone! She's gone."

"Mother, mother, don't worry, the genius doctor only said that her mother is gone, so it may not be her aunt." Third Young Master Fengyun couldn't bear to see his mother sad, and comforted her.

"No, mother can feel it, that's your aunt." Mother Feng shook her head firmly, then reached out to find something from under the head of the bed, took it out, handed it to Ye Huang, and said, "This is The sapphire glazed beads, one for me and one for Axue, were passed down from our grandmother to our mother, who in turn passed it down to our sisters."

Yehuang glanced at the bead, and she was sure that the Axue Fengmu was talking about was her mother Nangongxue.Because of this bead, she has an impression.It's just that she didn't bring this bead with her, but was buried under a big tree in the General's Mansion by her.

At that time, she was small, and she carried such a beautiful bead with her, which aroused the jealousy of her cousin Ye Ling, and she always wanted to keep this thing as her own.

To this end, she found a box and buried the bead and some other more important things.If Mother Feng hadn't taken out the bead today, she would have forgotten about it for a while.

Mother Feng held the bead and looked at Yehuang's expression. When she saw that Yehuang seemed to know the bead, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Yehuang knew this bead, so today she did not admit the wrong person.Yehuang definitely has something to do with her sister, and it is very likely that she is her sister's daughter.

Thinking of this, Mother Feng couldn't help being happy, and asked: "Girl, do you have the same bead?"

"Ma'am, my name is Yehuang." Yehuang didn't answer Fengmu's question, but said her own name.Being called by a girl girl, she really has some maladaptation, after all, she is already married, and she is no longer a girl.

"Yehuang? Good name, can I call you Ahuang?" Mother Feng looked at Yehuang expectantly, eager to know if she was my sister's daughter.

"Madam can do whatever she wants." Ye Huang smiled, and then said: "I have seen the beads in Madam's hand. It's just that it's not with me right now."

But I didn't want to, after hearing this, Mother Feng showed a big smile on her face, and said: "That's great, I knew you were A Xue's daughter. I read it right, you really are A Xue's daughter."

Yehuang smiled, and then called Mother Feng, 'Auntie'.Originally, she was still thinking that she would recognize her after getting the sapphire glazed beads, but she didn't think that even without the beads, the other party had already confirmed her identity.

Since this is the case, she has nothing to be hypocritical, and she admitted her identity openly.

Because, whether it is Fengyun Sanshao or Fengmu, the first impression she gives is very good.Therefore, there is no pressure to recognize them.

And in this way, she doesn't have to have so many scruples when she enslaves Third Young Master Fengyun in the future.

When Mother Feng heard Yehuang's 'aunt', she was so excited that she couldn't speak for a long time, and it took a long time before she said twice: "Good boy, good boy!"

While talking, she handed the sapphire glazed beads to Ye Huang, and said, "Auntie gave you these beads."

"Auntie, I can't do it." Yehuang looked at the bead, waved her hand, but didn't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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