The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1082 Beichen counterattacks

Chapter 1082 Beichen Counterattack ([-])

One is that she already has one, and the other is that Third Young Master Fengyun is here, so it stands to reason that this bead should be given to him, or to his wife.

However, Mother Feng seemed to know what Yehuang was thinking, she smiled and said: "Ahuang, this bead is passed on from daughter to son. My aunt has no daughter, so it's the same when I send it to you. It just happens to be a pair."

Mother Feng's words have reached this point, and Ye Huang couldn't refuse any more, so she had to accept it.

When receiving the beads, Yehuang quietly glanced at Third Young Master Fengyun, seeing that there was no abnormal expression on his face, she felt relieved.

After collecting the beads and meeting Fengmu again, Yehuang was also very happy.

At this time, Mother Feng took Third Young Master Fengyun's hand and introduced to Yehuang: "Ahuang, this is my aunt's son. Third Young Master Fengyun is twenty-two this year. It looks like he should be a few years older than you. From now on, he will Your cousin."

"Yehuang has seen my cousin!"


After the two parties met each other, Mother Feng said to Third Young Master Fengyun again: "Son, you will have a younger sister in the future, you must take good care of her and protect her, you understand?"

"Mother, don't worry, I will treat my cousin well." Fengyun Third Young Master looked at Yehuang and promised seriously.

He has always wanted a younger sister, but unfortunately his mother only gave birth to him. Now that his wish has finally come true, he is almost so happy that he can't find Bei.

"Remember what you said, if I know that you bullied Ah Huang, be careful with your skin." After Feng Yun's third young master warned Feng Yun, she said to Ye Huang: "A Huang, if he wants to treat you badly in the future, Just tell your aunt and let her take care of him."

Yehuang smiled, but didn't speak.Thinking of the purpose of her visit today, she said to Mother Feng: "Auntie, I know a little bit about medicine, my cousin specially invited me to see you today, and please stretch out your hand, I will take a pulse first."

"Okay!" Mother Feng smiled and stretched out her hand.

Yehuang reached out, clasped the opponent's wrist, and carefully felt the pulse.Time passed little by little, and Yehuang checked the pulse of both Fengmu's hands before letting go.

"Cousin, how is it? Is my mother's illness cured?" Fengyun Third Young Master looked at Yehuang and asked anxiously.

Mother Feng has been ill for several months, and all the doctors she invited said that she couldn't be cured.At this moment, Ye Huang became the lifeline of Third Young Master Feng Yun.

He hoped that Yehuang could give him a different answer, and that she could tell him that his mother's illness could be cured.

Yehuang understood Third Young Master Fengyun's mood, so she smiled and said, "Of course, what Auntie is suffering from is not a serious illness, she just needs a minor operation."

She just took it out, Fengmu is actually not seriously ill, she just has appendicitis.In modern times, this kind of disease is just a very small disease. As long as the appendix is ​​removed, nothing will happen.

But this was different in ancient times. Even if someone knew about this disease, there was nothing they could do about it. That's why those doctors said there was no cure.

"Really?" Third Young Master Fengyun became excited after hearing this.Sure enough, his intuition was correct, it was great that Yehuang could really cure his mother's illness.

Not only Fengyun Third Young Master, but Mother Feng was also very happy when she heard that her illness could be cured. Looking at Yehuang, she asked, "Ahuang, you didn't lie to Auntie, did you? Is Auntie's illness really curable?"

"It can be cured!" Yehuang said two words affirmatively, which made Nangong Yu (also known as Fengmu) excited.It was the best news she had heard in months.

Her illness can be cured, and she no longer has to worry that she will leave at any time, leaving her son alone.

(End of this chapter)

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