The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1083 Beichen counterattacks

Chapter 1083 Beichen Counterattack ([-])

"Ah Huang, thank you!" Nangong Yu held Ye Huang's hand with gratitude on his face.

"Auntie, you're welcome." Ye Huang shook her head with a smile, and then said, "I came out today without a medicine box. I'll come over and do this surgery for you tomorrow. This is a medicine I made myself to stop the disease temporarily. Relieve your pain. When you are sick, you can take a pill."

As Yehuang said, she took out a small porcelain bottle from her body and put it in Nangongyu's hands.

"Ah Huang, my aunt doesn't even know how to thank you." Nangong Yu looked at Ye Huang, her eyes moistened.

"Auntie, if you really want to thank me, why don't you wait for your illness to recover and get me some delicious food, how about that?" Yehuang looked at Fengmu and blinked mischievously.

"Okay, no problem. Don't dare to say anything else, this culinary aunt can still do it well." Nangong Yu laughed, very happy.

"Then it's settled."

Afterwards, Yehuang talked with Nangong Yu and Fengyun Sanshao about the operation, and the preparations before the operation before leaving.

After leaving the teahouse, the two were walking back to Beichen's house. Shangguan Yuntian thought about what Ye Huang and Fengyun Sanshao said when they left before, and he was a little puzzled, so he couldn't help asking: "Huang'er, what happened to you and Fengyun Sanshao?" What's the matter? When did he become your cousin?"

Hearing this, Yehuang laughed and said mischievously, "Guess."

Shangguan Yuntian stopped in his tracks, took a deep look at Ye Huang, and said: "General Ye has no daughter, he cannot be your aunt's child, so there are only two possibilities left, either he is your aunt's son, Or your uncle's son."

After hearing this, Yehuang's smile grew stronger, and she said, "You guessed right, he is my aunt's son."

"Aunt? When did you have an aunt, why didn't I know?" Shangguan Yuntian was a little surprised, but he had never heard that Yehuang had an aunt.

"I also just found out." After Yehuang finished speaking, she told him everything about meeting Nangong Yu today.

When Shangguan Yuntian heard about it, he said worriedly: "Are you sure the other party is your aunt?"

It's no wonder that Shangguan Yuntian was suspicious, it's because this matter is a bit unbelievable.It's just to see a doctor, so why suddenly have a relative?

"Don't worry, I've confirmed it. Besides, I have a natural sense of closeness to her, and I can't think of any other reason than blood relationship." Ye Huang knew what Shangguan Yuntian was worried about, but she trusted her intuition.I believe that Nangong Yu and Fengyun Sanshao will not do anything against her.

After all, Nangong Yu's feelings did not seem to be fake, and the sapphire glazed beads were also real.As for Fengyun Third Young Master, he also looks like an upright person, and after knowing her identity, the kind of love and doting towards her in his eyes is not fake.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Shangguan Yuntian didn't say much, it would be best if the mother and son didn't have any bad intentions, and if he had, he would definitely not let them go.

"Don't worry!" Yehuang was willing to gamble once, betting on the sincerity of Nangong Yu and Fengyun Third Young Master.

The two walked back all the way, and as soon as they entered the gate of Beichen's house, they saw Beichen Jiuge coming towards them.

Beichen Jiuge walked up to the two of them, looked them up and down, and felt relieved when he saw that they came back unharmed.

"Cousin, brother and sister, as long as you are fine."

Seeing Beichen Jiuge heaving a sigh of relief, Yehuang raised her eyebrows amusedly, and said, "What can we do? Don't cousin believe in our skills?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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