The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1084 Beichen counterattacks

Chapter 1084 Beichen Counterattack ([-])

Hearing this, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help shivering when he thought of Yehuang's ferocious appearance.

Well, he was worrying for nothing.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian are not the ones who can suffer. Whoever dares to bully them, they will definitely pay back ten points.

Thinking about it, Beichen Jiuge silently lit a candle for those who had no interest in offending the two of them.

Beichen Jiuge didn't continue this topic, and said to the two of them, "Let's go, go see your uncle and aunt, they are worried."

The two went out like this for almost a whole day. Although the secret guard had sent a letter back saying that the two were fine, the family members were still worried.

One is that they are worried about the two, and the other is because they heard that the Murong family sent guards to find their troubles.When he heard the news, Beichen Mingrui planned to send more people to help Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, but Beichen Jiuge stopped him in the end.

He has traveled with the two of them all the way, and he has known the skills of the two of them for a long time.Even the hidden guards of the Murong family can't do anything to them, let alone the mere guards.

The result was exactly as he expected, the guards of Murong's family were not even enough to put the teeth between the two of them.

But even so, the second elder in the family was still worried.No, it was already half afternoon, so he had to go find someone.

Unexpectedly, the two of them came back before he left the mansion.

No, it's just a matter of going with him to meet the second elder, so he can do business.

Because Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't tell their elders in time before going out, they had long planned to come back to plead guilty, so after hearing Beichen Jiuge's words, they followed behind him without saying a word, and walked towards the main courtyard of Beichen Mansion.

Beichen Mansion, the main courtyard.After Beichen Mingrui finished his work, he sat in the living room with his wife, Fengyunshi, talking, and the content they talked about was nothing more than Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

"Master, it's been almost a day. Why haven't these two children come back? Something must have happened." Fengyun looked at Beichen Mingrui and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, it should be fine. You didn't hear Ge'er say that those people are not enough for the two of them to plug their teeth. Besides, they also brought guards with them, and the hidden guards in the mansion also followed. If something happened, the hidden guards would have come back to report It's gone." Beichen Mingrui comforted his wife, he believed in his son's words.

It can be seen that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang are not ordinary people.Therefore, he was not as worried as Feng Yunshi.

That being said, before seeing the two of them returning safely, Feng Yun couldn't help being worried.

She was full of thoughts, and kept casting her eyes in the direction of the courtyard gate, hoping to see Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.But time passed bit by bit, but they still didn't see the shadows of the two of them, so they couldn't help feeling even more uneasy.

Thinking of Beichen Jiuge who went out to find someone, Fengyun said to himself: "I don't know if Geer found them."

"I'm talking about Madam, Ge'er has only been out for a long time, how could he find someone so quickly. Unless we meet on the road, it's almost the same." Beichen Mingrui looked at his wife and shook his head helplessly.

He knew that his wife was worried about the two children, but he had said all the comforting words, and he really didn't know how to persuade her.

Fortunately, footsteps came from outside the yard at this time, Beichen Mingrui's kung fu was stronger than Fengyun's, so he could hear it clearly.

So, he said to Fengyun's: "Madam, I guess Ge'er and the others are back, I heard footsteps."

"What, really?" Upon hearing this, Fengyun stood up, hurried out of the living room, and walked into the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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