The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1085 Beichen counterattacks

Chapter 1085 Beichen Counterattack ([-])

As soon as she walked into the courtyard, she saw Beichen Jiuge, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang walking in from the courtyard gate together.

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang came back safely, Fengyun finally let go of his worried heart, then looked at them with a smile on his face, and said, "Yuntian, Huang'er, you are back."

"Yes, Auntie, we are back. I'm sorry for making you worry." Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, looking at Feng Yun's apologetic face.

"It's as long as you're fine." Fengyun looked at the two, seeing that they were in good condition, she was truly relieved.

"Aunt, don't worry, we will be fine."

At this time, Beichen Mingrui also slowly came out of the house, glanced at Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, and said, "It's good that you're fine, you must be tired after a day of shopping, you go back and rest. When you go out, remember more Bring some people."

"Yes!" Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang agreed, then bid farewell to the two and left the main courtyard.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang leave, Beichen Jiuge originally wanted to leave, but Beichen Mingrui stopped him and said, "Ge'er, follow me to the study."

Beichen Jiuge followed Beichen Mingrui to the study room, and as soon as he sat down, he heard the other party say: "Ge'er, now that the poison on your grandfather has been cured, it's time for us to fight back."

Hearing this, Beichen Jiuge smiled, and said, "Father, the son has already arranged the arrangement, you just wait and see how the son cleans up the Murong family."

"Ge'er, I don't worry about your work. But there is one thing you have to pay attention to. Although Murong Hui's ability is not very good, the power of the Murong family should not be underestimated."

Hearing the words, Beichen Jiuge looked straight up, looked at Beichen Mingrui and asked, "Father, what do you mean, the Murong family still has dark forces?"

"That's right!" Beichen Mingrui nodded. The power of the Murong family on the surface had been almost destroyed by Beichen Jiuge before. Whether it was in the army or the secret guards of the Murong family, they were all ruined. eight.

But the power of the Murong family is not limited to what can be seen on the bright side, they also have a huge dark power.Otherwise, Murong Hui would not have the confidence to contend with Beichen's family.

"Father, I understand. I will find out what dark forces are in the Murong family as soon as possible." Beichen Jiuge said seriously. Fortunately, Beichen Mingrui reminded him in time, otherwise he would fall into a big fall up.

Because, all his arrangements now are aimed at the Murong family's power on the surface, and those families that have fallen to the Murong family, or are close to the Murong family.

Now, since the opponent still has a dark force, he must adjust his deployment, and everything must be based on eradicating that dark force.

Only by uprooting both the dark and the dark forces of the Murong family can the Beichen family rest easy in the future.

"Go ahead. The matter of Murong's family has dragged on for too long, and it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, the people in Wubei City will think that my Beichen family is really about to fall."

"Father, don't worry, the son knows what to do."

After Beichen Jiuge left the study, he immediately summoned his confidants and began to reassign tasks.

Those subordinates were very surprised when they heard that the Murong family still had dark forces.These years, they have been staring at the Murong family, but they have never discovered that they still have a dark force.

It seems that this force is hidden very deeply, and they will have to spend a lot of effort to do so.

After assigning the task, Beichen Jiuge thought of the young masters of the Murong family who had been captured earlier, and decided to go and see them.Just ask them, by the way, to see if there is a clue to that dark force.

(End of this chapter)

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