The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1086 Breaking through each

Chapter 1086

Almost every one of the four major families in Wubei City has a secret prison.Beichen's prison is relatively remote, and it takes about half an hour to walk from the main courtyard, while it is relatively closer to Beichen Jiuge's courtyard, but it also took him two quarters of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour later, Beichen Jiuge came to the West Garden, where the Beichen family's prison was located.

"Open the door!"

Beichen Jiuge gave an order, and the guard who guarded the cell immediately opened the cell door and let him in.Walking into the dark prison, he saw the young masters of the Murong family at a glance.

After a few days of prison life, the young masters of Murong's family looked decadent and embarrassed.

The sound of the prison door opening reached several people's ears, causing them to stand up quickly, throw themselves on the iron railing of the prison, and watch Beichen Jiuge walking towards them step by step.

"Beichen Jiuge, let us out quickly." Someone yelled, and the prison instantly became lively.

"Beichen Jiuge, let us go quickly. Otherwise our father won't spare you."

"Beichen Jiuge, why do you arrest us? Don't forget that the Murong family has the final say in Wubei City. If you arrest us, just wait for bad luck."

"Beichen Jiuge, we grew up together anyway, how could you be so cruel, how could you put us in prison."

Beichen Jiuge listened to the words of several people, begging for mercy, and threatening, he couldn't help but curled his lips into a sneer.These people really have been young masters for too long, so they are so ignorant and fearless.At this time, you dare to threaten him, what an idiot.

He didn't even think about it, if he was really afraid of Murong's family, how could he have arrested them and kept them in prison.

Sure enough, although the Murong family has many heirs, they are all pig-headed.

"Have you finished?" Beichen Jiuge asked coldly, if it weren't for the fact that these few people are still so useful, he would have been dealt with long ago, so why would he stay until now.

Seeing Beichen Jiuge, the young masters of Murong's family not only refused to let him go, but looked at them mockingly, they were instantly annoyed, and said, "Beichen Jiuge, what do you mean? Didn't you hear what we just said? Let us go out quickly, or the Patriarch will not let you go."

"If I were you, it would be better not to say anything at this time. After all, you are now prisoners. If I want to kill you, it is easier than crushing an ant, isn't it?"

As soon as these words came out, the young masters of the Murong family seemed to have just realized their situation, and their expressions changed instantly. They looked at Beichen Jiuge with fear in their eyes, and asked, "Beichen Jiuge, what do you want?" What are you doing?"

"It depends on whether you cooperate." Beichen Jiuge said lightly.

"What do you want us to cooperate with?" The young masters of the Murong family looked at Beichen Jiuge warily, for fear that he would make them do something outrageous.

"Look at your prospects, don't worry, I won't let you kill Murong Hui." Beichen Jiuge sneered as if he knew what the other party was thinking.

Hearing that they didn't want to target the Patriarch, the young masters of the Murong family felt relieved and asked, "Then what do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple, just answer my son's question well." Beichen Jiuge said flatly.

"what do you wish to ask?"

"I heard that Murong's family has a dark force, how much do you know?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the young masters of Murong's family changed slightly, and they looked at Beichen Jiuge with vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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