The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1087 Breaking through each

Chapter 1087 Breaking Down Each One ([-])

This is the Murong family's secret, how could Beichen Jiuge know?Even they have only heard it once in a while, and they don't know much.

Beichen Jiuge caught the expressions of several people in his eyes, and slightly hooked his lips.It seems that these people should know something.

"Tell me!"

"We don't know anything." Several people looked at each other and shook their heads.

They can't say it, and they dare not say it.

"Don't know anything?" Beichen Jiuge sneered, approaching the iron railing of the prison step by step, and softly uttered a sentence: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating, and you are fined. It's been a long time since I tortured anyone. Since you are ignorant, I have no choice but to fulfill you."

"Come here, take them to the execution room." Beichen Jiuge shouted.A few guards in black came in, holding the keys and going to open the cell door.

After hearing Beichen Jiuge's words, the young masters of Murong's family changed their complexions, and said sternly, "Beichen Jiuge, how dare you!"

"Dare you, you'll know if you try it." Beichen Jiuge looked at them with a smile, his eyes were full of coldness.

This is the territory of the Beichen family, so why would he dare not.If these people didn't seem to be useful, he would have silenced him long ago, and it would be their turn to shout here.

"You?" Several people glared at Beichen Jiuge, as if they wanted to eat people.

Beichen Jiuge lowered his eyes lightly, and gestured to the black-clothed guard.The cell door was opened immediately, and the guards in black grabbed several people out of the cell.

"No, don't, I don't want to use torture." One of the sons shouted, struggling non-stop.

Beichen Jiuge watched indifferently, and a cool voice sounded in their ears: "As long as you answer my question just now, I can forgive you."

"Don't even think about it!" someone said with great backbone.

Beichen Jiuge smiled lightly, and said, "Then you can't blame me."

After the sound fell, the young masters of Murong's family were taken directly to a torture room filled with various instruments of torture.

Walking into the room and seeing the instruments of torture hanging on the wall or placed on the shelf, several young masters of Murong's family turned pale.

Murong's family also has a torture room, and they have even seen others use torture.But today, when they walked into such a room by themselves and faced all kinds of instruments of torture, they were finally afraid.

"No, I don't want torture."

"Beichen Jiuge, let me out."

"I said, I said, I'll tell you everything."

The young masters began to shout, thinking that Beichen Jiuge's torture words were deceiving them.But he didn't want to, he actually came for the real thing, actually brought them into the execution room.

"Those who are willing to speak stand on the left, and those who don't want to speak stand on the right." Beichen Jiuge glanced at them lightly and said.

Soon, a person stood on the left, the youngest son of the Murong family, Murong Qi who was always spoiled by Murong Hui and was loved by him.

Immediately afterwards, two more people stood to the left.As for the right side, there is no one standing there yet.As for the rest, they still stood in place.

Beichen Jiuge looked at it, sneered, and waved his hand, causing the person on the left to be taken out.And those who stood still stayed.

"Treat them well." Beichen Jiuge ordered in a cold voice, turned and left the torture room.

Seeing that Beichen Jiuge had left and that they were being taken under the torture apparatus, the remaining people really panicked and shouted loudly: "Let's talk, let's talk. Beichen Jiuge, you want to know What, we will tell you."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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