The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1202 Ming Clan Moon Ring

Chapter 1202 Ming Clan Moon Ring ([-])

In addition, he still has Yehuang in his heart, the person he has been thinking about for several years, how could he have a crush on Mingyuehuan?
Therefore, no matter how intimidating and lure Mingyuehuan was, even Bawang forced his bow, he couldn't make him bow his head, let alone comply with the other party's wishes.

This made Ming Yuehuan very annoyed, and directly sent someone to torture Sima Feng.However, during the torture, she specifically told her subordinates not to hurt Sima Feng's face, but his body was seriously injured.

But even so, Sima Feng did not compromise.

After he was tortured, he was locked up again, and no one gave him medicine. The wound on his body was a little inflamed, and he also started to have a fever.

Counting it, it has been almost three days since he was arrested, and I don't know if Shuyan can find someone to rescue him.If no one came to rescue him, it would be even more difficult for him to get out on his own.

While thinking about it, Sima Feng fell asleep in a daze.I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning.I don't know if it's because he rested all night, the wound on his body doesn't seem to hurt so much.

However, what Sima Feng didn't know was that after he fell asleep, someone sneaked up and applied medicine to his wound.

Of course, the person who gave him the medicine was not ordered by Ming Yuehuan.

"Is he awake?" Ming Yuehuan sat in front of the mirror, looked at the maid who was dressing herself, and asked.

The person she asked was naturally Sima Feng.I don't know what's going on, although this Sima Feng looks like a frail scholar, but he is a tough one.

She hated his disobedience, hated his appearance of preferring death to submission, but she couldn't bear it in her heart.He was reluctant to kill him, but also reluctant to really force him.

In order to make him submit as soon as possible, she tortured her, but she specifically confessed to her subordinates that she could not take his life.She wanted to see if it was Sima Feng's tough bones or her criminal law.

"Miss Hui, that young master is already awake."

"Really? Let's go and see later."


So, after dressing up, the bright and striking Ming Yuehuan didn't even eat breakfast, and went directly to Sima Feng's room.

In the room, Sima Feng was eating.Although the food was not very good, and even the food served was worse than pig food in the eyes of Sima Feng, who grew up in fine clothes, but he still forced himself to eat it.

Because, only when his stomach is full can he have the strength to fight against that woman, and only when he is full can he survive and wait for someone to save him.

Although three days passed, no one came.But Sima Feng firmly believed that as long as his entourage found Third Young Master Fengyun, he would find a way to save himself.

With this belief, Sima Feng gritted his teeth and survived executions again and again.He knows that only by living can he have hope, and only by living can he avenge his revenge.

When he goes out, he will definitely let that woman know how to write the word regret, will make her life worse than death, and let her know that Sima Feng is not someone who robs him whenever he wants.

"Hey, I'm eating. It seems that yesterday's punishment was a bit lighter." Sima Feng was eating when Ming Yuehuan suddenly opened the door and walked in.

When she saw Sima Feng eating, and seeing that although he was a bit embarrassed, he was still eating gracefully, she couldn't help but a flash of jealousy flashed in her heart.

Although she is the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, she grew up in the countryside since she was a child.What I can't stand the most is other people's elegance, which will make her vulgar.

And now, Sima Feng happened to have violated her taboo.

(End of this chapter)

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