The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1203 Ming Clan Moon Ring

Chapter 1203 Ming Clan Moon Ring ([-])

So, she stepped forward suddenly, raised her foot and kicked over the food in front of Sima Feng.

"Why are you crazy?" Seeing his food being kicked over, Sima Feng's face darkened, his eyes were full of displeasure and disgust.

Mingyuehuan looks bright and gorgeous, although she is not as good as Yehuang, she is still a beauty.I don't know if it's because she grew up in the countryside. She doesn't have a temperament, she looks like a bumpkin, and she suppresses this beauty.

Even if there is a bright face, it can only attract a man's attention for a moment at most, and if he looks at it for a little longer, it will be boring.

It's no wonder that Mingyue Huan wants to snatch men everywhere, because there is no man who likes her at all, even if she is the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa.

"What's crazy?" Ming Yuehuan sneered, stepped forward and lifted Sima Feng's chin.Standing, she looked at Sima Feng who was sitting, with a condescending taste.

"Miss Ben will tell you now, why are you crazy?"

After finishing speaking, Ming Yuehuan let go of Sima Feng's jaw, and then took a step forward, stomping on the food that had been kicked to the ground a few times.

Didn't Sima Feng eat very happily just now, she just wanted to make him unable to eat.

In the future, no matter what he does, she will destroy it.She still doesn't believe it. If things go on like this, this man can still be indifferent to her.

"Crazy!" Sima Feng cursed, then got up, walked to another chair and sat down. He used his actions to tell Ming Yuehuan his dislike and dislike for her.

Seeing Sima Feng's disgusting action, Ming Yuehuan's face turned ugly, and she glared at him and said, "Man, don't challenge my patience. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are good-looking. Let me tell you, it's best not to You have angered me, otherwise, even if you are good-looking, I will still make your life worse than death."

"I'll wait!" Sima Feng replied coldly, and then closed his eyes, even looking at the other party was too annoying.

He does whatever he wants?It's obviously her who does whatever she wants.Relying on being the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa and relying on Mingyue Villa's status in the world, how many men has she robbed by force?

It's ridiculous that he dared to say that he did whatever he wanted.

Ming Yuehuan was furious, and her gaze fell on Sima Feng like a knife.Since she became the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, it was the first time that someone disrespected her like this.

Well, very well.She will definitely let Sima Feng know what will happen if he offends her.

It's just a good-looking stinky man, she must torture him to death, and then make him kneel in front of her and wag his tail for mercy.

"Come here, take him down for torture." Ming Yuehuan ordered, and then left angrily.

Not long after she left, Sima Feng was brought to the execution room of Mingyue Villa again, where he was tortured.

Sima Feng gritted his teeth and endured it, no matter how painful it was, he refused to cry out.

When Sima Feng was tortured, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian were having breakfast.After discussing with each other, the two decided that Yehuang would visit Mingyue Villa in a short while as a ghost.

It's been a whole night, and Qin Chao hasn't come back yet, but Yehuang can't wait any longer.

She wanted to see what happened to the current Mingyue Villa, and what happened to the Mingyue Ring?Also, is it true that Mingzhao is seriously ill?

However, before they left the house, Third Young Master Fengyun and Sima Feng's attendant Shuyan found them again.Young Master Fengyun entered the door, regardless of the two of them still having breakfast, he asked directly: "Cousin, cousin-in-law, is there any news about Brother Feng?"

 The fourth watch is over!Thanks for the reward of the unrestrained melody, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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