The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1212 Night Exploration of the Villa

Chapter 1212 Exploring the Villa at Night ([-])

The night is dark and the wind is high, which is the time to do bad things.

The whole Jiangcheng had already fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no one on the street except the watchman.

At this time, more than a dozen figures flew out of the small courtyard, went out of the city gate and went straight to Mingyue Villa.

Walking in front were Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, followed by Qin Chao and some guards.As for Fengyun Third Young Master, they were at the back.

During the day, he did not defeat Qin Chao, but Yehuang made an exception and let him go.It made him happy and grateful.

The group left the city and stopped outside Mingyue Villa an hour later.

The villa was very quiet, and the wind lamp hanging under the porch was swaying with Yehuang.Except for the footsteps of patrolling guards, there was no sound.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian lightly jumped onto the wall, took a general look at the layout of the villa, and went straight to the front yard.

As soon as they entered the front yard, the two clearly felt a different defense from other places.The defense here seems to be tighter than other places.

After Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at each other, they split up.Soon, the two eliminated the outermost guards and sneaked in.

After entering the yard, the two of them were not in a hurry to find someone or make a move.They first quietly sensed the defense situation of the entire courtyard, and after finding out the secret sentries and dealt with them one by one, they approached the main courtyard little by little.

At this time, Qin Chao and others were looking for Sima Feng in other places in the villa.

During the day, Qin Chao had already obtained the layout plan of Mingyue Villa.This club is leading its men to search for several places circled by Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

The first place is the ancestral hall of Mingyue Villa, but unfortunately there is nothing in it except some memorial tablets.

The second place is the dungeon privately set up by Mingyue Villa.That place is very remote, and it is said that it is the place where servants who made mistakes in the villa are punished.

After Qin Chao left the ancestral hall with a few of his men, he went straight to this place.In their opinion, Sima Feng is the easiest to lock in this dungeon.

At this time, in a small village not far from Mingyue Villa, in a seemingly ordinary house, a woman looked at the man kneeling in front of her with a distorted face, and said coldly: "What did you say, say it again , Miss Ben didn't hear clearly."

"Eldest, eldest miss is seriously injured, little one, little one can't do anything." The doctor lowered his head, not daring to look at the woman, and stammered.

His name is Su Wu, and he is a barefoot doctor in this village. He has good medical skills, and the nearby villagers like to come to him for medical treatment.

But at night, when he was about to close the door and go to sleep, several people suddenly came to the house, and the leader was the woman in front of him.When she came, the woman's complexion was not very good, she seemed to be injured.

At first, although he was a little angry, he showed his displeasure with the attitude of a doctor's parents.

But he didn't want to, when he checked the opponent's injury, he found that the opponent's internal injury was serious, he was just an ordinary doctor, there was nothing he could do.

For this reason, he told the other party the truth.But he didn't want to, as soon as the other party heard that he couldn't cure it, he immediately arrested his family and threatened to heal the other party's internal injuries.

But he really had no choice but to kneel in front of the other party, begging her to let his family go.

If Yehuang and the others were here, they would definitely recognize that the woman in front of them was Mingyuehuan.

It turned out that Ming Yuehuan suffered from Shangguan Yuntian's blow. Although it was painful at first, since she vomited a mouthful of blood, she felt much better.

(End of this chapter)

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