The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1213 Night Exploration of the Villa

Chapter 1213 Night Exploration of the Villa ([-])

At the beginning, Ming Yuehuan didn't care about it, thinking it was just an ordinary internal injury, and it would be good to take a few pills to treat internal injuries.Unfortunately, in the afternoon, her body suddenly started to hurt again.

The pain became more and more intense.In the end, she couldn't take it anymore, so she sent someone to find a doctor.

However, Mingyue Villa is built on the mountain, so it is not easy to find a doctor.There used to be a doctor in the villa before, but he was driven away by Mingyuehuan.

There was no other way, Ming Yuehuan had no choice but to ask his men to go outside to find a doctor.But there are only a few villages nearby, and there is only one doctor, Su Wu.

Su Wu has practiced medicine in this area for decades, and he is quite famous.

After getting the news, Ming Yuehuan came in person.One is to see a doctor, and the other is to relax.Today, she didn't have a good time. Not to mention she was injured, she was even pissed off by Sima Feng.

Previously, Shangguan Yuntian took Yehuang away after injuring Mingyuehuan.Ming Yuehuan was so angry that she went straight to the place where Sima Feng was being held.It was originally intended to humiliate and torture the other party to vent their anger.

But she didn't want to, she tossed a lot, not only didn't vent her anger, but made herself half dead with anger.Therefore, when the internal injury occurred, she thought of coming out to get some air.By the way, let's see if we can catch a few men and go back.

For Ming Yuehuan, the men in the village are much easier to deal with than other men.

What Ming Yuehuan didn't expect was that the doctor actually said that his internal injuries were serious and he couldn't cure them.

Hearing this, she instantly became angry.She finally came here in person, but the doctor said there was no cure, how could she not be angry?
At night, she came in person, but this was the result.

"Are you sure?" Ming Yuehuan looked at the shivering doctor kneeling in front of her with a cold face.If possible, she wanted to slap him to death.

Before, her people checked, and this doctor still has some skills.At least she is well-known in this area, but he said that her internal injuries could not be healed.

Isn't it an internal injury?He can't cure it?Could it be that his fame is deceiving?

If she knew this, she might as well find someone else.It's good now, it's a waste of time to waste her time.

"Miss, please forgive me, the little ones really can't be cured. Please miss, don't ask Gao Ming." Although Su Wu was afraid, he still told the truth.It's better to explain the situation now than to end up dead after being unable to cure it at that time.

Even if the other party wants to kill him, he has no regrets.

It has to be said that Su Wu is indeed a good doctor, no wonder he has such a good reputation in this area.

Logically speaking, since he said that, Ming Yuehuan should immediately go to someone else for treatment.It's a pity that Mingyuehuan's brain circuit is different from others.

Now, she only feels that she has been deceived by Su Wu and that his reputation is a lie.Therefore, she wanted to destroy Su Wu in order to vent her inner anger and unwillingness.

"If that's the case, then you and your family will die." Ming Yuehuan said lightly, his face distorted and full of madness.

When Su Wu heard this, his face changed instantly, and he kowtowed desperately towards Mingyuehuan.While kowtowing, he said: "Please forgive me, Miss, please spare my life."

However, Ming Yuehuan didn't even look at him anymore, and stood up directly to leave.

Seeing her movements, the guards who followed her immediately stepped forward and arrested Su Wu, ready to execute him.

But at this moment, Mingyuehuan's internal injury broke out again, causing her to fall to the ground unsteadily due to pain as she was walking.

(End of this chapter)

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