The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1214 Night Exploration of the Villa

Chapter 1214 Exploring the Villa at Night ([-])

"Miss!" Seeing Mingyuehuan fall, her servant girl's expression changed, and she quickly stepped forward to help her up, while shouting at the two guards who were holding Su Wu: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and help the eldest lady up."

The guard had no choice but to let go of Su Wu, and stepped forward to help Mingyuehuan up.

With the help of the guards, the maid finally supported Mingyuehuan, and then asked with concern: "Miss, how are you? Is it okay?"

After Ming Yuehuan heard this, she just glanced at the other party and opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't have the energy.Not only that, but her face was also terribly pale.

Looking at such a bright moon ring, the guards and maids were both worried and afraid.

Finally, they turned their attention back to Su Wu.At this moment, Su Wu seems to have become their life-saving straw.

"Doctor, hurry up, let's see how my young lady is doing?" The servant girl looked at Su Wu with eagerness.She is the servant girl of Mingyuehuan, if something happens to the master, she will not survive.

Su Wu looked at Ming Yuehuan's pale face and her appearance of dying, and after a moment of stupefaction, he immediately stepped forward to give her a pulse.

After taking the pulse, Su Wu's face was serious, and he said to several people: "Quick, quickly help her to the bed."

At this moment, Su Wu had completely forgotten about Ming Yuehuan threatening him and almost killing him before.At this time, he was just a doctor.

The guard and maid immediately embraced Mingyue on the bed after hearing the words, then looked at each other nervously, waiting for Su Wu's next instruction.

After Su Wu had Ming Yuehuan put on the bed, he immediately turned around and took out his medicine box, then took out a silver needle and pricked Ming Yuehuan's body to temporarily relieve her pain.

Ming Yuehuan's complexion improved a lot after she stopped the pain, and she looked at Su Wu with complicated eyes.Thinking that I wanted to kill him before, but now it was he who saved me, I felt very uncomfortable.

After Su Wu stopped Ming Yuehuan's pain, he looked at him and said seriously: "Miss, I really can't heal your internal injuries. Your injuries are serious, and you need to be treated as soon as possible."

This time, Ming Yuehuan did not get angry, but took a serious look at Su Wu, and then asked: "Then tell me, who can heal my internal injuries?"

"Ghost Gate, Ghost Doctor Pavilion." Su Wu said a few words without thinking.

However, after Ming Yuehuan heard this, his face changed, and he couldn't believe his ears.After a while, she asked in a trembling voice, "Ghost Gate? Ghost Doctor Pavilion?"

"Yes!" Although Su Wu didn't know the reason why Ming Yuehuan changed his face, he still nodded seriously.A situation like Mingyuehuan can only be cured by people from the Ghost Doctor Pavilion.

Mingyuehuan fell silent.

She only offended the steward of the ghost gate during the day, but now the wound on her body can only be taken care of by the ghost gate, how can this make her feel embarrassed?

Of course, this is not the most painful thing for her. The most painful thing is that the person who hurt her was Shangguan Yuntian, the man she fell in love with immediately.

Now, she is very suspicious that Shangguan Yuntian did it on purpose.Intentionally hurt her, and then asked her to go to the gate of hell.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuehuan's face became ugly.After a while, she calmed down the anger in her heart, and then said to Su Wu: "It's already night, I may need to stay with you for one night."

Su Wu nodded, and then said to Ming Yuehuan: "Yes, but you have to let my family go first."

Ming Yuehuan glanced at Su Wu, and then ordered to his people: "Come here, go and release his family."

(End of this chapter)

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