The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1216 Poison Rampant

Chapter 1216 Poison Rampant ([-])

what did he seeYehuang can feel the pulse?Is this a surprise from God?When he was almost desperate, a person was sent to save him?

"Do you know how to see a doctor?" Ming Zhao found his voice after a while, and couldn't help asking.

Yehuang nodded, but did not speak.After a while, she let go of Ming Zhao's hand, and said, "You have been poisoned by Gu poison."

"What, Gu poison?" Ming Zhao was taken aback, staring blankly at Ye Huang.The one in him turned out to be Gu poison, no wonder he quietly searched for so many doctors, but none of them were optimistic.

It turned out that he hit the cup.

His good sister actually had cup worms in her hands, which surprised him more than anything else.No wonder he sometimes felt insects moving in his body. It turned out that it was not his hallucination, it was real.

"That's right, it's the poison." Yehuang nodded. When he saw Mingzhao before, he had guessed it.A pulse, as expected.

However, Yehuang and Mingzhao also had the same doubts, that is, how could Mingyue Ring be poisoned?

Could it be that the person behind her provided it to her?

If this is the case, the person behind it is likely to have something to do with Miao Jiang.

"Do you have a solution?" Ming Zhao asked anxiously.Although Yehuang's medical skills seemed to be better than those of the doctors outside, at least he could know that he had been poisoned, but he still didn't dare to have too much hope.

He was afraid that Yehuang would not be able to cure the poison on his body, and that he would be happy in vain.

"Of course!" Ye Huang nodded with a smile, then took out the silver needle she carried with her, and said, "Let me help you seal the cup worm in one place to prevent it from moving. I'll prepare some flavors later Only medicine can be officially detoxified."

"I don't know what kind of medicine you want. There may be some in the villa." Ming Zhao thought of the medicine garden in the villa before, and said: "There used to be a medicine garden in the villa, which was in the back mountain, not far away. Inside There are quite a few medicinal herbs that were planted by the previous doctor in the villa, and they have been planted for decades."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look tomorrow." Yehuang didn't refuse.If there were ready-made medicinal materials in the villa, of course she would be happy not to run away.You know, there is still some distance between Mingyue Villa and Jiangcheng.

Moreover, the pharmacies in Jiangcheng might not have the medicines she was looking for, and she still thought about getting them from the medical pavilion.

Yehuang sealed the cup worm on Mingzhao's body, which made him feel better, and then told Yehuang about the poisoning process.

It turned out that the owner's wife, that is, Ming Zhao's mother, watched him stay up late to read the account books, and personally stewed a bowl of ginseng soup.

If his mother didn't bring the soup, and said she stewed it herself, he might not drink it, because he knew that his mother would not harm him.

But I didn't want to, something happened after eating the ginseng soup.

He had been guarding against Mingyuehuan before, but in the end he couldn't defend against it.

After hearing what Mingzhao said, Yehuang couldn't help asking: "Is Mingyuehuan really your own sister?"

It's not that she doubted it, but that Mingyuehuan did all the things, and none of them started from Mingyue Villa.What she is doing now not only makes herself notorious, but also ruins the reputation of Mingyue Villa.

Yehuang couldn't think about Mingyue, what good would Mingyuehuan do to her?
What she did was obviously the way of an outsider.

"Yes, father and mother have already confirmed it." Mingzhao also hoped that it was not the case, but both the keepsake and the birthmark on the other party were exactly the same as the parents remembered, so it would be difficult for him to deny it.

"Is that so..." Yehuang thought deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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