The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1217 Poison Rampant

Chapter 1217 Poison Rampant ([-])

At the beginning, Yehuang suspected that the current Mingyue ring was a fake at all.But Mingzhao told her that the other party was real.

Then there is only one possibility left, that is, the other party has long known that Mingyue Huan is the lost eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, and thus secretly cultivated her into a pawn.

Yehuang now even suspects that the news about Mingyuehuan was also released by the other party.Otherwise, how could someone who hadn't been found for more than ten years suddenly be found?
Later, Ye Huang asked Ming Zhao about the situation, and gave him a bottle of medicine that could suppress the poison temporarily.

Although, she had already forced the poison into a deep sleep.But he was still worried that someone or something around Mingzhao could lure the cup worm out of him.

From the beginning to the end, Shangguan Yuntian only served as the background.He stood beside him without speaking, nor did he make a sound.

From the very first moment he saw Mingzhao, he knew that Mingzhao would not be his rival in love, so the jealousy in his heart disappeared instantly.

Shangguan Yuntian remained silent, while Mingzhao focused all his attention on Yehuang.It wasn't until they were about to leave that Ming Zhao realized that Yehuang was still alone, and he was still an excellent man.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian, Ming Zhao couldn't help being a little dazed, so much so that he didn't come back when they left.

After a long time, when he came back to his senses, he stroked the medicine bottle that Yehuang had left him, and finally couldn't help but shed tears.

He knew he wasn't going to die, so he was happy and happy.

Before, when his health was getting worse and worse, he was unwilling, resentful, and even thought of revenge for himself with an eye for an eye.

But those doctors couldn't see what kind of poison he was poisoned, they only knew that he was dying soon.

Once, Ming Zhao also thought about looking for someone from Ghost Doctor Pavilion, but he couldn't get in touch.In the end, he just gave up on himself.

Fortunately, now that Yehuang is here, he has rekindled his hope and fighting spirit.He will ask Ming Yuehuan for all the hardships he has suffered today.

After Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian left the front yard where Ming Zhao lived, they were about to join Qin Chao and the others.But on their way to the rendezvous, they found a figure heading towards the back mountain of the villa.

Thinking of what Ming Zhao said before, and Yehuang was a little curious about the other party's identity, curious about why the other party ran to the back of the mountain at night, so she quietly followed.

That person was very fast, but Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were even faster, and caught up to each other in a blink of an eye.If it wasn't for the sake of not scaring the snake, the two would have taken each other down long ago.

After the two caught up with the man, they followed at a distance and watched each other enter a garden.

The garden was not far from the villa, and it looked like the medicine garden that Ming Zhao had described.After watching each other enter the garden, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then sneaked in quietly.

The garden is very large, and as Ming Zhao said, there are many herbs.But what Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't expect was that there were not only medicinal materials but also poisons in this garden.

The poison all over the place made Yehuang's scalp tingle, let alone Shangguan Yuntian.

At this moment, Ye Huang finally knew why the cup worm on Ming Zhao's body came.

"Huang'er, how come there are so many of these things in this garden, isn't this a medicine garden?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the object that kept crawling in the night, and asked with a frown.

Medicine garden?It should be called Poison Garden.

Poisons are rampant in this garden, and ordinary people dare not come here.

It's just that they don't know what the man they were following was doing in this medicine garden, and what is his relationship with these poisons?
(End of this chapter)

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