The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1224: Many organs

Chapter 1224: Many organs ([-])

"I know." Ye Huang nodded, of course she knew that Shangguan Yuntian would protect her.But she was also worried about Shangguan Yuntian, worried that he would get hurt.At that time, she also felt distressed.

"Okay, don't think so much, let's go." Shangguan Yuntian supported Yehuang's shoulders and walked forward.

After passing through that door, the temperature rose instantly, and thin balls of sweat began to appear on the foreheads of the two of them.

"It's so hot!" Yehuang's face was flushed with heat, and she fanned herself with her hands while tugging at her clothes.

After only a short while, the clothes on the two of them were drenched with sweat.At this moment, she misses the modern air conditioner and everything that is ice.

"Huang'er, hurry up, or it will be hotter." Shangguan Yuntian said while speeding up his pace and galloping towards the passage.

"Okay!" Ye Huang responded, speeding up.The two were galloping along the passage, and a stream of flames spewed out from the wall next to them, spewing towards the two of them.

"No, the flames are coming out, run quickly." Shangguan Yuntian saw the flames coming out, and while waving his sleeves to force them away, he took Ye Huang's hand and ran away.

The speed of the two of them was not slow, but the speed of the flame was even faster, blocking the road ahead of them in the blink of an eye.

"Yuntian, what should we do?" Ye Huang looked at the fiery red aisle, her face turned pale.She is afraid of heat and also afraid of fire.

Such a big fire is in this passage, how will they pass through.

Shangguan Yuntian's complexion was also not good, looking at the flames, he frowned.Fortunately, soon, he had a decision.I saw him take off his clothes, and then fanned towards the flames.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's movements, Ye Huang's eyes lit up, and just as she was about to take off her coat, Shangguan Yuntian said, "Huang'er, follow me closely."

"Okay!" Yehuang responded, followed behind Shangguan Yuntian, and rushed towards the flames in front.

Needless to say, it works quite well.The two quickly passed through the flame passage and rushed into a room.Not long after the two of them entered the house, Qin Chao and others also rushed in.

"Master, ma'am." Seeing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, Qin Chao's heart relaxed, and he walked beside them with a happy face.

"Are you all okay?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Qin Chao and the others and asked.Before he and Yehuang passed through so many institutions, Qin Chao and others must have gone through them too.

Fortunately, all of them seemed to be fine. Although they had injuries on their bodies, they were only skin traumas.

"Lord, don't worry, we're fine." Qin Chao shook his head, he and his brothers were only slightly scratched when they broke into the Bronze Man Formation, and it didn't bother them.

"It's fine." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and then turned his head to observe where the few people were staying.

This is a secret room, which is empty, except for tables and chairs, there is nothing.

When Shangguan Yuntian was observing the secret room, Ye Huang had already circled the entire room.This house is not big, it looks about ten square meters, but it is very simple.

The things were wiped clean, and it could be seen that people often came, but there was no mechanism.

Could it be that they were thinking too much, there is no mechanism here?
But after thinking about it, Yehuang shook her head again.There must be oddities here, or they wouldn't have been drawn here.

Yes, they were attracted.

At the beginning, Yehuang didn't think so much, she only wanted to chase that black shadow.But when they got here, when they thought about it again, the black shadow was actually guiding them consciously, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get here.

 Thank you Xu Fei and the reward that you will win only if you work hard, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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