The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1225: Many organs

Chapter 1225 There are many institutions (five)

Just why did the other party do this?
Yehuang was a little puzzled.

It can be seen that the other party has discovered them a long time ago, otherwise there would not be so many hidden weapons.It stands to reason that if they broke into a place they shouldn't, the other party should kill them to silence them.

But now the other party didn't do that, it just led them here.But there is nothing here, no mechanism, and no trap.This made Yehuang very puzzled.

What is the other party's purpose?
Just as he was thinking, the sound of a mechanism sounded, and the whole secret room began to move.I saw that the secret room began to rotate from slow to fast.

Looking at the secret room that started to rotate, Ye Huang was stunned.She never thought that this secret room could be rotated.No wonder she didn't find anything like a mechanism when she turned around before. It turned out that the entire secret room was a mechanism.

Damn, what on earth does the other party want to do?
Yehuang cursed in a low voice, tried her best to stabilize her figure, and looked towards Shangguan Yuntian.

When Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian, Shangguan Yuntian was also looking at Yehuang.Afterwards, he stretched out his hand to Yehuang and held it tightly.

"Huang'er, don't be afraid, I'm here." Shangguan Yuntian held Yehuang's hand and whispered.

Qin Chao and the others didn't expect that the secret room would spin, so they couldn't help but feel a little dizzy, and their bodies couldn't stand still and wobbled.

They were as if they were drunk, unable to stand up even if they wanted to.With the rotation of the secret room, sometimes it fell to this side, and sometimes it fell to that side.

Even if they stretched out their hands to support the wall, it was of no avail, they were thrown from here to there, and then from there to here.

The table and chairs that were originally placed in the middle of the secret room also fell to the ground, sometimes sliding to the left and sometimes to the right.From time to time, it hit the wall again, making a series of noises.

Although Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were holding hands, as the secret room turned faster and faster, they couldn't stand still and swayed back and forth.

The two couldn't stand, and were thrown to the front for a while, and then to the back for a while.Their bodies hurt from being thrown, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's expressions were very bad, and they wanted to stop, but they couldn't do it at all.

Soon, several people were thrown into a ball, stacked together like arhats.In the blink of an eye, they were thrown away again, and then stacked together again.

Repeatedly, Yehuang's head was thrown dizzy, and she was so confused that she couldn't tell who was who.Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian never let go of her hand, he held her and let the chamber turn around, protecting her as much as possible.

"Damn it, who the hell made a secret room like this?" Yehuang was a little annoyed, and cursed in a low voice.

Shangguan Yuntian listened, and while protecting her, he replied: "If I hadn't guessed, only the Ouyang family can make this kind of mechanism."

"You mean to say that the institutions here are all designed by the Ouyang family?"


"So, the Ouyang family is still alive?"

"Nine times out of ten."

"Damn, don't let my aunt go out, or I will definitely settle accounts with him. It's not good to design any kind of mechanism, and it even turned into a rotating one."

Although, Yehuang had been specially trained and had a certain resistance.But there is also a time limit. It's not like it is now. This ghost thing keeps spinning. It spins faster than the ferris wheel she played in her previous life. It's no wonder she doesn't get dizzy.

Shangguan Yuntian at the side couldn't help laughing when he heard Ye Huang's 'that aunt', and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. After we go out, we'll go to the Ouyang family to settle the score."

(End of this chapter)

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