The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1226 Underground Dark Prison

Chapter 1226 Underground Prison ([-])

"Yuntian, that's what you said, but when will this thing stop." Ye Huang said with some frustration.

If this thing can't stop, don't say go out to find people to settle accounts, they may not even be able to get out.

"Don't worry, it will always stop." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly.The other party's goal has not been achieved, and it will definitely stop.It's just a matter of time.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't have to wait long. Before Yehuang went crazy, the secret room slowly stopped.

Seeing that the speed of the secret room gradually slowed down, Yehuang finally took a breath.As long as the thing doesn't spin, she'll have to vomit if it spins any longer.

Qin Chao and others were also transferred very hard, and their faces were all pale, as if they had experienced a fierce battle.

Shangguan Yuntian was better, except for some bruises while protecting Ye Huang, his face was fine.

Finally, the secret room stopped, and Yehuang and the others rested while waiting for someone to come and open the door of the secret room.

Time passed little by little, just when Yehuang thought that no one would come to open the door, the door of the secret room finally opened, and a man wrapped in black walked in.

He entered the secret room and took a look at Yehuang and the others. He watched them all with their eyes closed, their faces pale, and they pursed their lips in satisfaction, and then gestured behind them.

As soon as the gesture was made, several people also dressed in black came in immediately, bent down and hugged them up.

Soon, several people were carried out of the secret room.

Feeling being hugged by someone, Yehuang quietly opened her eyes, and saw a man in black hugging her waist, walking rapidly in the passage.

Originally, Yehuang wanted to make a move, but at this moment, Shangguan Yuntian's voice came from beside his ears, "Huang'er, hold on for now, let's see where they take us."

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Yehuang no longer acted rashly.Let the other person hold you until you stop.

Along the way, Yehuang quietly opened her eyes from time to time, and what she saw was not only the passage, but also the passage.However, she also found that this passage was somewhat different from their previous passage.

The passage here is bright and spacious, not to mention people, even horse-drawn carriages can pass.And above the passage, there are night pearls every other place, which looks bright and luxurious.

The man in black took them to a room and locked them up again.

After the men in black left, Ye Huang and his party opened their eyes.When she opened her eyes, Yehuang realized that she was locked in a cell.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian also opened his eyes, glanced at Yehuang, and after making sure that she was fine, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

"Master, what kind of place is this? Is it a prison cell?" Qin Chao opened his eyes, and after realizing where he was, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

"That's right, it's the cell." Before Shangguan Yuntian could speak, Yehuang answered on his behalf.She had already discovered that they were locked in a cell.

It's just that this cell looks a little different from other places. Not only is it clean, it also looks like a room, with beds, quilts, tables, tea, teacups and other things.If it weren't for putting so many of them together, she would really suspect that this wasn't a prison cell.

It's a pity, no matter how good the conditions are, it can't change the fact that this is a prison cell.

Yehuang was feeling emotional when there was a commotion from the opposite cell.A middle-aged man walked to the cell, and glanced at Yehuang and the others through the iron railing.

Hearing the movement on the other side, Yehuang raised her head inadvertently, and her expression changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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