The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1227 Underground Dark Prison

Chapter 1227 Underground Dark Prison ([-])

"Huang'er, what's the matter?" Seeing Yehuang's sudden expression, Shangguan Yuntian asked with concern.

"Look!" Ye Huang stretched out her hand and pointed towards the opposite side, saying, "They are Ming Feng, the owner of Mingyue Villa, and his wife."

"What?" Shangguan Yuntian's face changed when he heard it.Although he knew that Mingyue Villa was controlled by Mingyuehuan, he never expected to see Mingfeng and his wife in this dungeon.

Before, he thought that no matter what happened to Mingyuehuan, he would not be cruel to his parents.But now it seems that he still overestimated Mingyuehuan.

That's right, a woman who doesn't even want her reputation, a woman who even killed her own brother, how can she count on her conscience?

At this time, Ye Huang looked at the couple opposite, and asked aloud: "Is the opposite is the Master Ming?"

"You are?" Ming Feng looked at Ye Huang and didn't recognize her for a moment.Although Yehuang had been to Mingyue Villa before, the people who received her were Ming Zhao, and Ming Feng only showed up occasionally.Therefore, the two are not familiar with each other, and it is normal that they cannot recognize each other.

"I'm Mingzhao's friend." Ye Huang revealed her identity, but Ming Feng's expression changed and she asked, "Are you also imprisoned by that rebellious girl?"

"Is the rebellious girl mentioned by Master Ming the eldest lady?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't her?"

Ming Feng's tone was not very good, it was obvious that he was irritated by Ming Yuehuan.That's right, whoever was robbed of power by his own daughter and kept in prison would not be in a good mood.

After hearing Ming Feng's words, Yehuang didn't say anything.But Mrs. Ming gave Ming Feng a displeased look, and said, "Husband, how can you say that about Huan'er, she was just being deceived."

"What deception, she is willing to degenerate." Ming Feng looked at his wife angrily.If she hadn't kept saying that she was guilty and owed to Mingyuehuan, how could they have fallen into this situation, and how could Mingyue Villa become the laughing stock of the world.

"Husband, Huan'er is not that kind of person, you have to trust her." Mrs. Ming couldn't listen to her husband's slander of her daughter, and argued.

In the eyes of Mrs. Ming, Mingyuehuan is not bad.She felt that Mingyuehuan would do such a thing only because she was deceived by others.

She felt that as long as Mingyuehuan was no longer deceived by others, everything would be fine.

Of course, she is not ignorant of what Ming Yuehuan did, but she turned a blind eye to it.Even if Ming Yuehuan poisoned Ming Zhao and caused Ming Zhao to lie on the bed, she still felt that it was an unintentional mistake.

"Hmph, a loving mother is a loser." Ming Feng snorted coldly, he had nothing to do with his wife.I don't know what kind of poison my wife has been poisoned, but I can't see the viciousness and ruthlessness of that rebellious girl, and I still keep speaking for her.

"Huan'er has been separated from us since she was a child. She is very pitiful and has suffered a lot. Husband, please be more considerate of her, okay?" Seeing Ming Feng getting angry, Mrs. Ming begged softly.

Yehuang on the opposite side listened to the conversation between the Ming couple, with a look of sarcasm on his face.In her eyes, Mrs. Zeng Ming has always been a gentle, considerate and reasonable person.

But today, Mrs. Ming's words overturned her opinion.She never thought that Mrs. Ming was so confused.At this point, they are still speaking for Mingyuehuan.

All of a sudden, she felt a little unworthy.

Therefore, she couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Madam Ming, I wonder if there is a place for Ming Zhao in your heart?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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