The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1228 Underground Dark Prison

Chapter 1228 The Underground Prison ([-])

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ming was a little displeased when she heard this, and looked at Ye Huang coldly.

"Literally." Ye Huang met Mrs. Shangming's eyes, and said coldly, "I don't know if Mrs. Ming knows, what kind of poison do you think that good daughter who was deceived by others poisoned her dear brother?"

"Isn't it just an ordinary poison?" Mrs. Ming looked puzzled. Ming Yuehuan said before that it was an ordinary poison, and it would just make Ming Zhao suffer a little bit.

"Ordinary poison?" Yehuang sneered, looked at Ming Feng and asked, "Master Ming, do you think it is an ordinary poison?"

"Isn't it?" Ming Feng looked at Ye Huang and asked.He really didn't know what kind of poison Ming Zhao had.

Although he went to see Ming Zhao, Ming Zhao didn't seem to be doing anything wrong at the time.As for later, both he and his wife were imprisoned here, and never went out again, and never saw Ming Zhao again.

"Heart-eating cup, what do you think?" Yehuang spat out a few words, but Ming Feng's face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "What did you say? Heart-eating cup? Mingzhao is not ordinary poison, but cup poison?"

"Master Ming, it seems that you are really incompetent as the owner of the villa. No wonder the good Mingyue Villa fell into the hands of others in a blink of an eye. And that poor Mingzhao is terminally ill. I don’t know, I thought it was an ordinary poison.”

"You don't even think about it. If it was an ordinary poison, how could Mingzhao not rescue you out, but watch you locked up here instead?"

"What you said is true?" Mrs. Ming couldn't believe what she heard. Mingyue Huanming had told her that what Mingzhao had poisoned was just ordinary poison.And she didn't want to inject the poison herself, someone forced her to inject it.

Ming Yuehuan also told her that she had already found someone to help detoxify.

But now, Ye Huang told her that Ming Zhao was poisoned.As a person from the Jianghu, how could Mrs. Ming not know about poison.

"Otherwise?" Ye Huang glanced at the other party coldly, then withdrew her gaze.To be honest, today she no longer has a good impression of Mrs. Ming.

As a mother, even if you feel guilty about one child, you cannot completely ignore the other child.He is also his own flesh and blood, isn't he?

What Mrs. Ming is doing now is obviously to abandon Ming Zhao for the sake of Ming Yuehuan.I don't know what Ming Zhao will think when he finds out.

"No, it's impossible, Huan'er won't lie to me. It's you, you're the one who lied to us, isn't it?" Mrs. Ming pointed at Ye Huang and said sharply, not believing Ye Huang's words.

"Facts are facts. Believe it or not. I might as well tell you that Mingzhao is very ill. If he doesn't get treatment, he will die."

"What?" Ming Feng obviously didn't expect the matter to be so serious, he stared blankly at Ye Huang, and said, "Girl, please, please save Ming Zhao."

At this moment, Ming Feng's intuition told him that Ye Huang would definitely save Ming Zhao.

"Master Ming, it seems that you are not ruthless towards Ming Zhao. It's just that, like you, I am imprisoned now, and I don't know if I can get out, how to save people?"

The reason why Ye Huang said this was because Ming Feng was the owner of Mingyue Villa after all, if these organs were built before, then he must know how to get out.

Sure enough, Ming Feng did not disappoint her.After hearing Yehuang's words, he said, "Girl, if I let you go out, can you save Mingzhao?"

"Of course!" Yehuang nodded.Then he was afraid that Ming Feng would not believe it, so he added: "I forgot to tell Master Ming that I am a member of the ghost family."

 Thanks to Hell Mindie for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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