The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1230 Underground Dark Prison

Chapter 1230 Underground Prison ([-])

If not, how to explain what happened before.

They have traveled this way, but they are very sure that someone is secretly manipulating it.Ye Huang was thinking, if that person wasn't Ming Feng, who would it be?
"Definitely!" Ming Feng nodded with certainty.In his generation, only he and his younger brother Ming Gang knew about this underground mechanism.

And his younger brother Minggang died decades ago.As for the younger generation, he hasn't had time to tell them, so no one in the entire Mingyue Villa knows about these things except him.

"Then how do you explain the fact that you were locked up here?" Yehuang asked back, Ming Feng was stunned, and stared blankly at Yehuang.

Yeah, if he's the only one who knows, how does that explain why they're locked up here?
Could it be that Ming Gang is not dead, he is still alive?

This idea flashed in Ming Feng's mind, and he immediately rejected it.

Impossible, he watched Ming Gang die with his own eyes, and buried him with his own hands, it is impossible for him to be alive.But if it wasn't Ming Gang, or himself, who would it be?

Could it be the descendants who established this institution?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain what is happening now.

"Did Master Ming think of something?" Yehuang asked, looking at the fluctuating expression on Ming Feng's face.

"Sorry, I just remembered something, it's just..." Ming Feng looked at Yehuang with some embarrassment, he didn't know how to explain it to her.

Ye Huang took a deep look at Ming Feng, but did not force him, and said, "Since Master Ming is unwilling to speak, let's go out first."

Ming Feng looked at Ye Huang, opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, and led the way in silence.It's not that he didn't want to explain to Ye Huang, but he couldn't explain clearly at the moment.Moreover, this is just his guess.

He wanted to check it himself to see if it was really what he had guessed.

A group of people followed Ming Feng and walked outside.With Ming Feng around, they didn't encounter traps or other things along the way.

And the black shadow seemed to have disappeared before, and never appeared again.If she hadn't experienced these things in real life, Yehuang would feel that everything before was just a dream she had.

However, it is clear that their previous experience was not a dream, but something that actually happened.

After getting out of the dungeon smoothly, Ming Feng led them to another road, a safe and peaceful road.

The exit of this road is not in the medicine garden, but in the villa, in the ancestral hall of the Ming family.

If it was normal, Ming Feng would never take everyone to the Ming Family Ancestral Hall.But now, he couldn't care less.In order to see Mingzhao sooner, and to save Mingzhao, even if the Ming family's secrets are exposed, they will not hesitate.

What's more, the Ming family's secrets have already been exposed, otherwise he would not have met Ye Huang and his party in the dungeon.

After leaving the ancestral hall, Ming Feng took Ye Huang and others straight to the main courtyard of the villa, where the Ming couple lived.

I thought that the courtyard where they lived must be heavily guarded, but I didn't expect to meet no one along the way.

It wasn't until they returned to the courtyard where they lived that they saw a few maids, and after asking, they found out that Mingyuehuan was not in the house.

Hearing the news, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at each other, a little surprised.

During the day, Shangguan Yuntian directly injured Mingyuehuan internally.At this time, if she is not at home to rest and heal her wounds, where will she go?
Could it be that she went to meet the person behind the scenes?

Thinking of this possibility, the faces of both of them were not very good.

 Thank you for the reward of happiness like a parachute, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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