The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1231 Unlucky Prime Minister

Chapter 1231 Unlucky Prime Minister ([-])

It's just that the two of them probably never dreamed that Ming Yuehuan didn't go to see the person behind the scenes, but went to the doctor.Not to mention, Mingyuehuan even planned to come to Yehuang the next day to apologize.

When Ming Feng heard that Mingyue Huan was not there, his expression was a bit ugly. After waving his hand to get the maid to back down, he said to Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian: "I made you laugh."

"Master Ming, the night is getting dark, so we won't bother you. As for the poison on Ming Zhao's body, we'll come back tomorrow."

After Yehuang finished speaking, she left Mingyue Villa with Shangguan Yuntian.Today Ming Yuehuan was not around, Sima Feng was also rescued, and the poison on Ming Zhao's body was temporarily suppressed, so it was meaningless for them to stay any longer.

After the two left, the first thing Ming Feng did was to visit Ming Zhao.

He hurried to the front yard, but was blocked by guards who appeared suddenly, and asked, "Who dares to break into this courtyard?"

Hearing the guards' shouts and questions, Ming Feng's face was very ugly.The owner of his majestic Mingyue Villa was actually stopped by a guard in his own home. What is the reason for this?

No wonder Yehuang said that he was incompetent as the owner of the village before. It turned out that he was really incompetent.A little guard didn't even know him as his master, which shows how failed he is.

"Bold, you don't even know the owner of this villa, who are you?" Ming Feng glared at the guard with an angry look on his face.

The guard's face changed when he heard Ming Feng claiming to be the owner of the villa, but he didn't intend to step aside, but looked at Ming Feng and said, "Sorry, this subordinate is new here, and I've been ordered by the eldest lady to guard the front yard. If If you offend the owner, please ask the owner Haihan."

"Get out of the way, I want to go in." Ming Feng didn't want to argue with a guard, even if he got angry, he couldn't lose his sense of proportion.

However, the guard listened to Ming Feng's words, but did not move away, but said: "Forgive me, the owner, the eldest lady has ordered, no one can go in without her order."

"What did you say, say it again." Ming Feng was completely annoyed. If he had hoped for Mingyue before, after hearing what the guard said, his hope was shattered.It turned out that the only ones who couldn't see the facts were the couple.

It turned out that Mingyue Villa has really become a hall of fame for Mingyuehuan.

The guard looked up at Ming Feng, lowered his eyes, and said: "This subordinate can't neglect his duties, and I hope the owner will forgive me."

"You?" Ming Feng pointed at the guard, his face flushed with anger.Just how failed he was, in his own home, it was so difficult to think of seeing his son, no wonder Yehuang looked at him with mockery.

He was really ashamed of the ancestors of the Ming family, and of his identity as the owner of the estate.

If people in the Jianghu knew about it, they would definitely be laughed out of their teeth.

Ming Feng thought bitterly.

No, he can't let others look down on him.

Thinking about it, Ming Feng's eyes on the guard became sharper.

The guard sensed the change in Ming Feng's aura, and only glanced at him indifferently, but remained motionless by the door.

Ming Feng was alone, with no one around him to order him, so in a fit of rage he directly fought with the other party.

As the owner of Mingyue Villa, Ming Feng's martial arts are not bad, and he scored well in defeating the guards.Seeing that he was about to defeat the guard, other guards who heard the movement in the yard ran out.

When they saw the guards guarding the gate fighting Ming Feng, they rushed forward without even thinking about it, and fought Ming Feng together.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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