The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1232 Unlucky Prime Minister

Chapter 1232 Unlucky Prime Minister ([-])

With one against one, Ming Feng might have the upper hand.If one is against two, Ming Feng can still be tied. If one is against five, or against ten, Ming Feng is no longer his opponent.

Soon, Ming Feng was defeated.Shocked by the guards, he took a few steps back before barely stopping to stand firm.

"You?" Ming Feng pointed at the guards, too angry to speak.

"Master, please go back. If you really want to enter this courtyard, please go and tell the eldest lady." The guard said indifferently, and did not compromise because of Ming Feng's identity or because he was angry.

They are from Mingyuehuan, so they should listen to Mingyuehuan.Moreover, when they were patrolling just now, they had already discovered that the secret sentry had been killed, so they became more cautious.

Ming Feng couldn't enter the front yard, and couldn't beat the guards in front of him, so he had to leave angrily.

After returning to the courtyard where she lived, Mrs. Ming still hadn't rested. Seeing Ming Feng coming back, she immediately went up to greet her and asked, "Husband, how are you? Have you seen Zhao'er?"

Ming Feng looked at his wife with an extremely ugly expression, and said in a cold voice: "See? What do you see? The owner of the villa was beaten out by the guards guarding the front yard. But he said that if he wanted to see Zhao'er, he would get your treasure." My daughter agrees. Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, Ming Feng flicked his sleeves, ignored Mrs. Ming, and angrily went to sleep in the study.At this time, Ming Feng really regretted it. He knew it would happen, and he would never get Mingyuehuan back.Not to mention letting Mrs. Ming pamper her and pamper her.

It's all right now, as the owner of the estate, he still has to watch the faces of his daughter's subordinates, and he is really mad at him.

"Husband?" Mrs. Ming was stunned, watching Ming Feng leave helplessly.

It took a while for her to come back to her senses, looking at the empty room, thinking about what Ming Feng said before, the expression on her face changed several times.

Then she shook her head again, and said to herself, "No, no, Huan'er wouldn't do that."

Therefore, Mrs. Ming secretly made a decision in her heart, she had to go and see for herself, otherwise she would never believe that the daughter she wanted to love so much would turn out like this.

After making up her mind, Mrs. Ming didn't rest anymore, she took a maid and went to the front yard with a lantern.

The night was silent, and the entire villa was plunged into darkness.The guards who were watching secretly watched Mrs. Ming go towards the front yard and did not stop her, because they knew that even if she got to the front yard, she would not be able to get in.

You know, the guards guarding the front yard are inefficient lamps, and all of them are Missy's confidantes.

All the way was unimpeded, and Mrs. Ming came to the front yard.Glancing at the closed courtyard door, she asked the maid to come forward and knock on the door.

The courtyard door opened, revealing the face of a guard.

When the guard saw the maid knocking on the door, he asked with displeasure, "What are you doing?"

"My wife wants to see Young Master Ming." As soon as the maid finished speaking, she heard the other party reply rudely: "See you, no one can see the people living in the yard without the order of the young lady. "

Hearing this, Mrs. Ming's expression changed, she stepped forward and said to the guard: "I am the owner's wife, can't you even see me?"

"The owner's wife?" After the guard looked Mrs. Ming up and down, a mocking smile appeared on his face and said: "The owner's wife, right? Even the owner can't enter this yard without the order of the eldest lady, what do you think?" ?”

"You?" Mrs. Ming's face turned ugly, she pointed at the guard, trembling with anger.If she didn't believe Ming Feng's words before, then after experiencing it herself now, she finally knows what it's like.

(End of this chapter)

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