The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1237 Rescue Mingzhao

Chapter 1237 Rescue Mingzhao ([-])

Now, his life was saved, and Ming Feng came again, which meant nothing to him at all.

"Zhao'er, how are you? Are you feeling better?" Ming Feng looked at Ming Zhao with a guilty expression on his face. It was his fault as a father, and it was he who made his son wronged.

"It doesn't matter if it's good or not, that's it." Ming Zhao replied flatly, and didn't want to tell Ming Feng Yehuang that he would detoxify him.

He was afraid, he was worried, afraid that once he told Ming Feng, it would immediately reach Ming Yuehuan's ears.If that's the case, he really doesn't have to live.

Seeing Ming Zhao like this, Ming Feng felt even more sad.He looked at Ming Zhao and said seriously, "Zhaoer, it's father who is sorry for you. But don't worry, father will definitely invite a famous doctor to help you detoxify."

"So, thank you father." Ming Zhao thanked lightly, and then said to Ming Feng: "Father, you should go back, or Ming Yuehuan will be angry if he finds out. At that time, not only will I have a hard time , you won't feel better either."

Hearing this, Ming Feng couldn't help thinking about what he hadn't been able to come in last night, and his complexion turned pale in an instant, and he said, "Zhaoer, don't worry. It won't happen in the future."

After finishing speaking, he was no longer embarrassed to face Ming Zhao, and said hastily, "You have a good rest, and my father will take care of the rest."

After saying this, Ming Feng left in a hurry.

Ming Zhao looked at Ming Feng who was fleeing away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a hint of sarcasm arose.Fortunately, he no longer naively hoped for that father's love, and he didn't want them to stand up for him and take care of Mingyuehuan.

When the poison on his body is cured, he will seek justice himself.

After Ming Feng left, Ming Zhao had his breakfast and closed his eyes again.He is now strictly following Ye Huang's request to rest and take care of his body.

Back in his yard, Ming Feng locked himself in the study again.Although he already knew that Ming Zhao was poisoned, and knew that he was poisoned, but he never thought that Ming Zhao would become like this.

If it wasn't for Yixi who could still see his shadow, he really couldn't believe that the dying person lying on the bed was his suave son.

Seeing Ming Feng entering the study again, Mrs. Ming was a little worried, and sent one of her confidants to inquire about the situation, only to find out that Ming Feng had just returned from the front yard.

"What did the owner do today besides going to the front yard?" Mrs. Ming frowned and asked the girl who was inquiring about the news.

"It seems that some guards have been disposed of."

"What? He dealt with the guards? When, why don't I know?" Mrs. Ming was surprised.She couldn't sleep last night and didn't fall asleep until dawn.After falling asleep like this, I slept until now and only woke up now.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened in the village.

"Madam just woke up, it's normal not to know." The maid said with a smile.

"By the way, is the eldest lady back?" Mrs. Ming thought that Ming Yuehuan was not there last night, so she couldn't help asking another question.

"If you go back to Madam, the eldest lady has not come back yet."

"No wonder!" Mrs. Ming nodded, and finally understood why Ming Feng made such a big move.She thought that if Ming Yuehuan was in the village, it would not be so easy for Ming Feng to do what he wanted to do.

After eating, Mrs. Ming, like Ming Feng, went to see Ming Zhao.It's just that when Mrs. Ming went, Ming Zhao was already asleep, so she didn't see anyone at all.

Originally, she wanted to wait for Mingzhao to wake up, but later she heard from the person who served him that Mingzhao usually wakes up every few hours, so she had to go back first.

(End of this chapter)

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