The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1238 Rescue Mingzhao

Chapter 1238 Rescue Mingzhao ([-])

Ming Zhao woke up and heard about it, but didn't say anything, and didn't ask any more questions.His most important task now is to take care of his body, other things can only be discussed after his body recovers.

Just thinking of Yehuang's words, I don't know if she has found the antidote, and I don't know if there is anything she needs in the medicine garden in Mingyue Villa.

Ming Zhao thought about it, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Mrs. Ming didn't see Ming Zhao until late at night.The first time she saw Ming Zhao, Mrs. Ming burst into tears.

She never thought that Ming Zhao would become like this, she would not recognize him anymore.

"Zhao'er, why did you become like this?" Mrs. Ming lay on Ming Zhao's bed, crying bitterly.

Ming Zhao looked at Mrs. Ming indifferently, didn't say anything, let her cry enough.To be honest, Mingzhao felt a little resentful towards Mrs. Ming in his heart.Because he can hit the cup, he ate the ginseng soup delivered by her personally.

If she hadn't sent it in person, he might not have been recruited.He would definitely test the poison before eating, but it was a pity that the person who delivered the soup was Mrs. Ming, so he was careless.

This carelessness has made him suffer for so many months, how can he not complain or hate?

Mrs. Ming cried for a long time before she stopped, and then she was stunned when she saw Ming Zhaozheng looking at her indifferently.

"Zhaoer, what's the matter with you?" Mrs. Ming looked at Ming Zhao in surprise, never thought that he would be so indifferent to her.In the past, Mingzhao was the closest to her, but how could she become so strange now.

"It's nothing." Ming Zhao shook his head lightly, and then asked her, "Have you finished crying?"

"Zhao'er?" Mrs. Ming couldn't believe what she heard, and stared at him blankly.

"If you're done crying, then I'm going to rest." After Ming Zhao finished speaking, he ignored Mrs. Ming, and motioned to the waiter to help him lie down.

Mrs. Ming watched Ming Zhao lie down and closed his eyes, unable to recover for a long time.

She came here full of guilt, but when he was greeted with obvious indifference, she didn't know how to react for a moment.

It wasn't until Ming Zhao fell asleep that Mrs. Ming left full of regret.

Yes, she regretted it, regretted that she doted on Ming Yuehuan so much that she lost her son.

Mrs. Ming left in a daze, and after returning to her yard, she just lay down on the bed.Ming Feng was busy dealing with the mess left by Mingyuehuan, so he had no time to take care of Mrs. Ming.

In addition, he felt a little resentful towards Mrs. Ming, so he didn't even enter the room, and lived in the study directly.

The next day, Ming Yuehuan still didn't come back, but Mrs. Ming was ill.Only then did Ming Feng send someone to invite the doctor over.

Fortunately, Mrs. Ming's illness is not serious, it's just a stagnation in her heart, and she will be fine after taking a few medicines.

Hearing that Mrs. Ming was fine, Ming Feng went back to busy with his own affairs.

After a day, Sima Feng's body improved a lot, and those wounds began to heal.He is still in good health, at least he doesn't have to lie in bed anymore.

Therefore, the first thing Sima Feng did when he got out of bed was to send a letter to the prefect of Jiangcheng, asking him to come and see him.

The prefect of Jiangcheng, surnamed Wang, came to see Sima Feng immediately after receiving Sima Feng's letter.It's just that what the eunuch didn't expect was that Sima Feng was injured, and he also heard that he was injured here in Jiangcheng.

Hearing this news, Wang Taishou was terrified, knelt down in front of Sima Feng, pleaded guilty and said: "Prime Minister, please forgive me, it's because of the lax governance of the subordinates, please punish me."

(End of this chapter)

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