The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1240 Rescue Mingzhao

Chapter 1240 Rescue Mingzhao ([-])

After seeing the Mingyue ring, Yehuang began to prepare to cure Mingzhao.Originally, she wanted to go to the medicine garden of Mingyue Villa to see if there were any medicinal herbs she needed.

After thinking about it, it would be the same if he took the medicine first, and after Mingzhao was cured, he asked the other party to replenish those medicines.So, after preparing for a day, Yehuang went to Mingyue Villa with Shangguan Yuntian.

Mingyue Villa, after Ming Feng's big change of blood, is no longer Mingyue Villa under the management of Mingyuehuan.Seeing the carriage that Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang were sitting in, and after receiving Ye Huang's name sticker, the gatekeeper almost flew into the village and notified Ming Feng.

Ming Feng received the news and greeted him personally.

"Miss Ye." Ming Feng greeted Ye Huang with a smile.After seeing Shangguan Yuntian who was sitting with Yehuang, he was taken aback for a moment before asking, "I wonder who this is?"

When he was in the dungeon that day, he also met Shangguan Yuntian.It's just that he was focused on Ming Zhao and taking Yehuang and the others out that day, and didn't pay too much attention to Shangguan Yuntian.

It wasn't until seeing him again today that I realized that Shangguan Yuntian's demeanor was not ordinary.

"This is my husband, Shangguan Yuntian." Ye Huang introduced Shangguan Yuntian with a smile.

"It turned out to be Mr. Shangguan, disrespect and disrespect."

"Master Ming is polite." Shangguan Yuntian replied lightly, and then got out of the carriage with Yehuang.

Ming Feng led the two into the villa, and went to the reception hall.

The three of them entered the living room, and after Ming Feng gave him some tea, he asked Ye Huang, "I don't know if the girl came today, what is the matter?"

"I want to meet Ming Zhao, but I wonder what Ming Zhuang's plan is?" Ye Huang looked up at Ming Feng and said with a smile.In fact, they could also go to see Ming Zhao directly, but since Ming Feng is the owner of the villa, he now controls the villa again, so it is appropriate to have a word with him.

"Of course!" Ming Feng agreed without thinking about Ye Huang's words.The poison on Mingzhao's body, he still wanted to ask Yehuang to find someone from the ghost gate to solve it, so how could he refuse her to visit Mingzhao.

"Then trouble Master Ming to find someone to lead the way." Ye Huang stood up and said without even drinking tea.

Ming Feng also stood up afterwards, and said with a smile: "Don't bother, I'll take you there myself."

Since he took control of Mingyue Villa, he has changed the people in Mingzhao's courtyard all over.Moreover, he has been going to see Ming Zhao several times a day for the past few days.

"Then there is Lord Lamin."

The three left the living room and went to the front yard where Ming Zhao lived.As soon as she entered the front yard, Ye Huang clearly sensed the changes inside, she glanced around lightly, then withdrew her gaze, and followed Ming Feng into Ming Zhao's room.

In the house, Ming Zhao just woke up not long ago.In the past few days, he has been taking care of his body according to Ye Huang's instructions.In addition, the cup worm in his body was put into a deep sleep by Ye Huang last time, his complexion has improved a lot these days.

It seems that when Ye Huang came in, Ming Zhao showed a faint smile on his face and said, "You are here."

"You look pretty good, I can see that you did what I said." Ye Huang also laughed, went straight to Ming Zhao's bed and sat down, then stretched out her hand to feel his pulse.

Ming Feng watched, his eyes suddenly widened.

What did he see that Ye Huang could feel his pulse?
Yehuang checked the pulse for a while, then let go of Mingzhao's hand, and said, "In the past few days, that thing hasn't come out to make trouble, no wonder you look good."

"It's all thanks to you." Ming Feng looked at Ye Huang with gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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