The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1241 Shadow Reappearance

Chapter 1241 Shadow Reappearance ([-])

At this time, Ming Feng watched Ye Huang take the pulse, finally came back to his senses, looked at Ye Huang excitedly, and said, "Miss Ye, do you know medical skills?"

"A little bit." Yehuang smiled and said modestly, she didn't want to reveal her identity as a medical fairy.

On the contrary, Ming Zhao took a look at Ming Feng, and then asked Ye Huang, "Master Yemen, can the poison on my body be cured today?"

Ye Huang was taken aback by the sound of 'Yemen Master', and then laughed and said, "Of course, otherwise, what do you think I'm here for?"

Ming Zhao is so smart, it is reasonable to know her identity.Ming Feng, on the other hand, was shocked again, staring blankly at Ye Huang and asked, "Master Ye Sect? Are you the Sect Master of the Ghost Sect?"

Ye Huang smiled, but did not answer.

Then, he called out to the door, "Bring the things in."

Hearing Yehuang's words, Dong, who had been waiting outside, came in with a medicine box.She put the medicine box on the table in the room, and then asked Yehuang, "Madam, shall we start now?"

"En!" Ye Huang nodded, then looked at Ming Feng and said, "Master Ming, I'm going to detoxify Ming Zhao now, please avoid it for a while."

"Oh, good!" Ming Feng came back to his senses, and then took a look at Ming Zhao before leaving the room.

After Ming Feng left, Ye Huang put her eyes on Shangguan Yuntian again, and asked, "Are you going out or staying?"

"I'll stay." Shangguan Yuntian said softly, he walked aside, found a chair and sat down.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian go and sit down, Yehuang said to Mingzhao: "Are you ready? I'm going to start."

Ming Zhao nodded, and Ye Huang opened the medicine box, took out the medicinal materials prepared before, and told the boy who served Ming Zhao, "Take these medicinal materials and fry them. Three bowls of water will make one bowl of water." .”

The young man took the medicinal materials and left the room.

"Dong, you go with him." Yehuang ordered Dong.Although Ming Feng had already cleaned up the villa, Ye Huang was still a little worried.

"Yes!" Dong replied, and followed the boy out.Soon there were only three people left in the room, Yehuang, Shangguan Yuntian and Mingzhao.

Seeing that Ye Huang had no helpers, Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward and asked, "Huang'er, do you need help for your husband?"

"No need." Ye Huang waved her hand, then took out a small bottle from the medicine box, poured out a pill and handed it to Ming Zhao, "Take this."

Ming Zhao took the pill and was about to put it into his mouth when Ye Huang said, "Take this medicine, and the worm will wake up. At that time, I will use silver needles to help you force the worm to your arm." position. When it hurts, be patient."

After hearing Ye Huang's words, Ming Zhao nodded and took the pill.

After taking the pill, as Yehuang said, the cup worm woke up and began to crawl around in his body, causing him unbearable pain.

Pain hit, Ming Zhao clenched his teeth, not letting himself cry out.

At this time, Ye Huang came over with a silver needle and stuck it on Ming Zhao's body.After a silver needle went down, the pain on Mingzhao's body increased a bit.

It wasn't until Yehuang inserted the tenth silver needle that Ming Zhao felt better.At this time, the poison on his body also left the position of the heart, and slowly moved towards the arm.

Mingzhao endured the pain, watching Yehuang force the cup worm on his body to his arm little by little, watching the thing move around on his arm, as if trying to break through the flesh.

Ye Huang forced the cup worm to the predetermined position, then stopped, waiting for Na Dong and the boy to bring the fried medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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