The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1242 Shadow Reappearance

Chapter 1242 Shadow Reappearance ([-])

Fortunately, Ye Huang didn't wait long, and Dong and the boy brought the medicine in.

Ye Huang asked the servant to feed Ming Zhao the medicine, then took out a scalpel from the medicine box, and cut Ming Zhao's arm.

With one slash, a gash appeared in Ming Zhao's arm.Yehuang took out another pill from her body and put it on the wound.

When the thing was put on it, the cup worm came out immediately.

Yehuang saw it, and quickly pricked the worm with a silver needle, and then put it into the bottle that had been prepared earlier.

After forcing the cup worm out, Ye Huang bandaged Ming Zhao's arm with gauze, explained some precautions, and then prescribed a prescription to take care of his body before leaving.

As soon as Ye Huang left the room, Ming Zhao fell asleep exhausted.

Outside the room, Ming Feng had been waiting.Seeing Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian coming out, they immediately went up to greet them, and asked, "Master Yemen, has the poison on Mingzhao's body been cured?"

"Understood." Ye Huang replied with a smile, and said, "But Ming Zhao's body is still very weak, and he needs to recuperate for a while."

"Thank you, Lord Yemen, you are my great benefactor of Mingyue Villa, and if you want my place in Mingyue Villa in the future, you will definitely die."

"Thank you, there is no need. My sect master heard that there is a medicine garden in Mingyue Mountain Villa, which has a lot of herbs. I wonder if I can take my sect master to have a look?"

That night, it was dark, and Yehuang didn't see clearly what herbs were in the medicine garden.However, she was very interested in the poisons there, and wondered if those things were still there.

Ming Feng was taken aback for a moment, then immediately replied after recovering: "No problem, no problem."

It was just a mere herbal medicine, Ming Feng didn't take it to heart.It's just that Yehuang actually knew that there was a medicine garden in Mingyue Villa, which surprised him a little.

"Well, the master of this sect wants to take a look now, how about Ming Zhuang's idea?"

"Okay, I'll let someone show you the way." Ming Feng agreed, and then found a confidant to take Yehuang to the medicine garden.

Ye Huang followed Ming Feng's men and soon came to the medicine garden.

The medicine garden was still the same medicine garden, but the poison they saw that night was gone.

"Things gone?" Qin Chao had also seen the poison man before, and was surprised when he saw this clean garden with only medicinal materials left.

He remembered clearly that the garden was full of poison that night, and it made people's scalps feel numb.

But it took only a few days, and those poisons were gone.What a surprise.

Yehuang was also very surprised, glanced at the medicine garden, thought of the poisons before, sighed slightly, and said to Shangguan Yuntian: "It seems that Ming Feng's actions are too big, and the opponent has already withdrawn."

"It should still be around here." Shangguan Yuntian shook his head after hearing what Ye Huang said.He sees it differently, these poisons are not easy to cultivate.It is impossible for the other party to find another place suitable for raising poison in this short period of time.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian guessed that the other party was just avoiding the limelight temporarily, and it is estimated that he will come back soon.And if the other party wants to come back, it is bound not to be too far away.

There is another possibility, that is, this place is just an experimental site, and the place where the real poison is raised is not here.

"Still nearby?" Ye Huang pondered for a while, feeling that Shangguan Yuntian's words made sense.I saw a lot of poisons that day, and it was not easy to take them all away in a short time.

Now, it is very likely that the other party has found a place not far from here to hide, and wants to wait for the wind to pass before coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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