The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1246 Trapped in the mountains

Chapter 1246 Trapped in the Mountains ([-])

"Since you said that, I'm looking forward to the next good show."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely wonderful." Shangguan Yuntian is still very optimistic about Sima Feng.

There was a smile in Yehuang's eyes, and then she ordered Dong: "Notify the brothers in the door, and secretly release the news that Mingyue Huan is in our hands."


Dong took the order and went away, but Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang steadfastly, and said, "Huang'er, are you trying to hang out the person behind Mingyuehuan?"

"The one who knows me is Yuntian." Yehuang laughed, stepped forward to take Shangguan Yuntian's arm, and walked towards the room.She has been busy for most of the day just now, so she needs to take a good rest.

Shangguan Yuntian let Yehuang hold his arm, and said as he walked, "Huang'er, what if the people behind him don't fall for it?"

Ye Huang stopped in her tracks, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and laughed, and said, "You mean what if Ming Feng gets the news first, right?"

"That's right!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, he had heard that Ming Feng was looking for the whereabouts of Mingyue Huan recently.

"Don't worry, my people will keep an eye on Ming Feng. Once he makes a move, they will kill his people until the person behind him makes a move." Yehuang smiled like a fox, she absolutely did not It will make Mingyue Ring fall into Ming Feng's hands.

Except for Ming Feng, it doesn't matter if it's the person behind it or Sima Feng.

"It's good that you have already made the arrangements." Shangguan Yuntian heard the words and no longer had any objections.What he was worried about, Yehuang, had already been considered, so he didn't need to say anything more.

The two returned to the room, one read a book and the other rested.

Besides, on the Ghost Gate side, after receiving the message from Yehuang, the person in charge immediately moved the Mingyue Ring to another place and spread the news.

Soon, Ming Feng, Sima Feng, and the people behind Ming Yuehuan got the news.They each sent their men to the place where Mingyuehuan was held.

The first one to arrive was indeed Ming Feng's man, because he was considered the leader of Jiangcheng, so he was quite familiar with the terrain of Jiangcheng, so it was not surprising that he was the first to find it.

Fortunately, Yehuang had already expected this to happen, so he specially sent someone to keep an eye on Ming Feng's people.As soon as their people arrived, the people from the ghost gate appeared in an instant and took them down.

Of course, Ming Feng's subordinates were all killed by the ghosts in order to make things clear.

After killing Ming Feng's person, the subordinates of Guimen personally sent the body to Ming Feng.One is to return these people to Ming Feng, and the other is to show others.

Ming Feng was furious when he saw that his subordinates went out properly, but the ones that came back were in corpses. He immediately ordered someone to investigate, but they found nothing.

The second person to get the news was Sima Feng's men. Although his men had just arrived in Jiangcheng, they couldn't resist Jiangcheng's prefect to obey his orders. It's here too.

Knowing that it was Sima Feng's people, the Ghost Sect's people also made a show, blocked it symbolically, and quickly lost the battle, allowing Mingyuehuan to be taken away by Sima Feng's people.

However, just as Sima Feng's men took Mingyuehuan's men out, they ran into a group of men in black.The person from the ghost gate who was staring secretly saw that it was the person behind Mingyuehuan who had made a move, so they sent people to report the letter while keeping a close eye on the other party.

There are many people in black, dozens of them, three or four times the number of Sima Feng's people.When the two sides fight against each other, the victory and defeat will be determined.The Mingyue Ring was finally snatched by the man in black.

The people from the ghost gate watched, and while following them, someone sent a signal to Yehuang.

(End of this chapter)

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