The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1247 Trapped in the mountains

Chapter 1247 Trapped in the Mountains ([-])

Seeing the signal from the ghost gate, Dong immediately told Yehuang.When Yehuang heard that the people behind Mingyuehuan had moved, she didn't care about resting, and led Dong and Xia to the direction where the signal was about to be sent.

Shangguan Yuntian watched Yehuang leave in a hurry, without even thinking about it, he chased after him, and said, "Huang'er, I'll go with you."

"Yuntian, you?" Yehuang stopped and looked at Shangguan Yuntian, but there was no need for him to go.Ye Huang wanted to find out the identity of the person behind it because of the bugs on Ming Zhao's body and the poison in the medicine garden.

And none of this has anything to do with Shangguan Yuntian.

What's more, Shangguan Yuntian has been so busy these days, and Dazhao has sent a lot of notebooks and letters in the past few days, which needs him to deal with.

"Huang'er, you don't need to say more, I won't let you go alone." Shangguan Yuntian knew what Yehuang wanted to say, so he interrupted her directly.

"Okay!" Yehuang knew that Shangguan Yuntian's decision could not be changed, so she had to compromise.

Shangguan Yuntian was going, so of course Qin Chao and others had to follow.

So the group left the small courtyard and headed towards the direction where the signal from the ghost gate came.

Besides, those men in black, after snatching Ming Yue Huan from Sima Feng's men, immediately left the city and headed towards Ming Yue Villa.

The people who followed secretly looked at the direction those people were walking, and couldn't help frowning.It could be seen that those people were not sent by Ming Feng at all, but why did they run towards Mingyue Villa?

It doesn't make sense, but the stalker didn't stop, but bit tightly behind each other to see where they were going.

Yehuang and the others soon arrived at the place where the signal was sent, and a brother from the ghost gate was waiting there.Seeing Yehuang coming, the brother went up to greet her, and then said to her: "Sect Master, the other party is going in the direction of Mingyue Villa."

"Mingyue Villa?" Ye Huang's face changed upon hearing this, and he asked, "Did you see it right?"

"We were not mistaken when we returned to the sect master. The other party is indeed heading towards Mingyue Villa."

The subordinate's affirmative answer made Yehuang's face more serious.The question that had been ignored before came to mind again.

Shangguan Yuntian's expression also turned serious, he and Yehuang thought of going together.That was before, they were taken to the dungeon by the men in black in the underground passage.

Those men in black locked them in the prison and disappeared until Ming Feng brought them out, and they didn't show up again.

Before, they didn't think much about this issue, but now they have to think more.That is, where did those men in black go, are they still in the tunnel, and then secretly watched them leave with Ming Feng.

Also, before Ming Feng said that he was the only one who knew about those institutions, how did those men in black and the previous black shadow know?
Could those people have anything to do with Ming Feng?
These questions hovered over their heads, making their faces even more serious.Turning her head, Yehuang glanced at the people following her and said, "We have to act cautiously later, no matter what happens, don't trust anyone except our companions, understand?"

"This subordinate understands!" Seeing Yehuang's serious face, everyone responded in unison.It can be seen that things are not as simple as they imagined.

Especially Qin Chao and other people who have experienced the underground organs of Mingyue Villa understand the seriousness of the matter better.Perhaps they fell into each other's calculations from the very beginning, but who would be the one who calculated them?

Is it Ming Feng, or someone else?

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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