The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1264 Bingwei Villa

Chapter 1264 Bingwei Villa ([-])

So, she said to the guard guarding the door: "Open the door, I want to go in and see her."

"I'm sorry, madam, without the owner's order, no one can go inside to visit the eldest lady." The guard glanced at Mrs. Ming and said seriously.

Before, Ming Feng had specifically confessed that Ming Yuehuan could not be allowed to go out, and no one else could be allowed to visit her.Perhaps at that time, Ming Feng already knew that Mrs. Ming would come sooner or later.

"What? I'm your wife, can't even I go in?" Mrs. Ming's face was a little ugly, on the one hand she felt sorry for her daughter, and on the other hand it was because of the guard's words.

"Madam, please don't embarrass me." The guard said neither humble nor overbearing.They were personally selected by Ming Feng, so they naturally listened to Ming Feng.

"You, you?" Mrs. Ming was very angry. She only had a maid by her side, and even if she asked for help, she couldn't find it for a while.He could only stand outside the door alone, sulking at the sound of the bright moon ring inside.

Until the people sent by Ming Feng came and saw Mrs. Ming standing outside, she was slightly taken aback.Soon she understood, and asked, "Ma'am, why are you here?"

"I came to see my daughter, why do you think I am here?" Mrs. Ming said angrily when she heard the visitor's question.

The person who came came to touch his nose, and saw that Mrs. Ming was in a bad mood, and he knew the reason.The acquaintance didn't speak any more, but said to the guard: "The owner of the estate asked the young lady to be taken to the front yard, someone wants to see her."

When the guard heard about it, he stepped forward and opened the door.

Ming Yuehuan in the room heard the sound of the door opening, stopped smashing things with his hands, and looked over.When she saw Mrs. Ming standing outside, her eyes lit up.

"Mother, mother, have you come to see me?" Mingyue couldn't look around at the mess on the ground, and quickly walked towards Mrs. Ming outside the door.

The guard who opened the door saw Ming Yuehuan running out, his face darkened, and before she ran to Mrs. Ming, he grabbed her again and said, "Miss, the owner is welcome!"

"Let me go, let me go." Ming Yuehuan struggled, turned her head and shouted at Mrs. Ming: "Mother, mother, save me! Save me!"

"Let her go, you guys let her go." Seeing Ming Yuehuan like this, Mrs. Ming felt very distressed, and stepped forward to rescue Ming Yuehuan.

It's a pity that before she came forward, she was blocked by the guards who came, saying: "Madam, please don't make things difficult for us."

"Make things difficult for you, I think you are making things difficult for my daughter." Mrs. Ming's expression was very, very ugly, and she pointed at the noses of several people.

Looking at Mrs. Ming's finger, the visitor's expression became ugly, and he said coldly, "Madam, it seems that you still don't know what happened? If you continue to make trouble here with the eldest lady, I can guarantee that the officers and soldiers outside will The owner will be taken away immediately."

"What did you say?" Mrs. Ming's face changed when she heard the word "officer and soldier".

"Madam doesn't know yet, the entire Mingyue Villa has been surrounded by officers and soldiers." After the visitor finished speaking, he ignored the shocked Mrs. Ming, and made a gesture to have someone take Mingyue Huan away.

When Ming Yuehuan heard that the villa was surrounded by officers and soldiers, she was also taken aback, and couldn't recover for a long time.Mingyue Villa is a big sect in Jianghu, how could the officers and soldiers come and surround the villa.

Could it be that someone in the villa committed a crime?

Until now, Ming Yuehuan didn't realize that she was the one who committed the crime.Without realizing it, she was the culprit.

Ming Yuehuan thought about this problem all the way, but she didn't make any more trouble, and soon reached the front yard and entered the reception hall.

(End of this chapter)

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