The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1265 Bingwei Villa

Chapter 1265 Bingwei Villa ([-])

"Master, the eldest lady has brought it."

"Bring her in."

As soon as Ming Feng finished speaking, Ming Yuehuan was brought into the living room by the guards.As soon as she entered the hall, she saw the prefect Wang and the master sitting on guard.

Both of them were in official uniforms, which she had never seen before.

Master Hu was a little surprised to see that Ming Feng really had someone bring Mingyuehuan.Before, he thought that Ming Feng was just talking, maybe using a maid or something to fool everyone.

At that time, he wanted to remind him, but he didn't say anything due to Wang Taishou's presence.But he didn't think that he was really willing to hand over Mingyuehuan.

It seems that this bright moon ring really hurt his good friend's heart.

"Naughty girl, haven't you seen the two adults yet?" Ming Feng saw Ming Yuehuan coming in, he only looked at Wang Taishou and Master Hu, he didn't even pay respects, his old face blushed uncontrollably.

Hearing Ming Feng's scolding, Ming Yuehuan raised her head and glanced at the two of them, then said reluctantly, "I have seen the two adults."

Seeing Ming Yuehuan like this, Wang Taishou and Master Hu felt sorry for Ming Feng in their hearts.

It never occurred to him that his daughter would be like this. This is a complete embarrassment to the Ming family.I don't know if Ming Feng will have the face to meet his ancestors under the Nine Springs in the future.

After regretting it, Wang Taishou said to Ming Feng: "Master Ming, since your love is here, let's go back to meet business first."

"Thank you, my lord." Ming Feng stood up and bowed his hands to the prefect Wang.

"Master Ming is very polite."

After finishing speaking, Wang Taishou stood up and called out: "Come here, take Miss Ming away."

As soon as the sound fell, two yamen servants immediately entered the room, took the bright moon ring from the guard's hand, and prepared to take her away.

Only then did Ming Yuehuan realize the seriousness of the problem, and realized that the two adults were coming after her, so she immediately panicked, looked up at Ming Feng and said coldly, "Father, what do you mean? "

"Naughty girl, don't you know what you did?" Ming Feng looked at Mingyuehuan with a cold face.Thinking of the things she had done, and the trouble she had brought to Mingyue Villa, I really wanted to kill her.

"What did I do, why didn't I know?" Ming Yuehuan looked back at Ming Feng, she was locked up just after she came back.Now that she is about to be taken away by officers and soldiers, she doesn't seem to have done anything, right?

Could it be that someone else in the villa committed a crime and took her to take the blame?

As soon as this idea appeared in my mind, it quickly took root and sprouted.Ming Yuehuan glared at Ming Feng suddenly, and said coldly: "Father, I am your daughter, how could you treat me like this, how could you let me take the blame for others?"

"What did you say?" Ming Feng was stunned by Ming Yuehuan's sudden words.When did he let Mingyuehuan take the blame?

Ming Feng's daze made Ming Yuehuan think that he really guessed the truth, so he became more and more angry, saying: "What? Are you guilty? I don't know who the person who committed the crime is, and you are so protective that you don't hesitate to take your own money. His own daughter to take the blame?"

"Naughty girl, what nonsense are you talking about? What are you blaming? It was obviously caused by you, so what does it have to do with others?" Ming Feng came back to his senses and looked at Mingyuehuan in shock.It never occurred to her that she would think so.

"I'm talking nonsense? I think you are angry from embarrassment." Ming Yuehuan thought that he had caught Ming Feng's pigtail, and became confident.

Turning around, she looked at Taishou Wang and Master Hu, and said, "My lords, you must not be deceived by my father."

(End of this chapter)

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