The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1266 Arrogant Moon Ring

Chapter 1266 Arrogant Moon Ring ([-])

"I'm not wrong at all. It's someone else who committed the crime. You'd better let someone catch the real murderer."

Wang Taishou looked at the bright moon ring, speechless.

"Take it away!" Wang Taishou didn't want to listen to what Ming Yuehuan said, and directly ordered him to be taken away.

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? You arrested the wrong person, let me go." Ming Yuehuan yelled, struggling and unwilling to leave.

When the yamen servant saw her like this, his face turned dark, and he shouted: "Be honest."

"You, you guys, let me go, do you hear me? I didn't do anything wrong, I was wronged." Ming Yuehuan was so angry that she was reprimanded by the yamen servant, and yelled loudly.

Hearing these words, the yamen guard who escorted Mingyuehuan was immediately annoyed, saying: "Shut up!"

No matter how Mingyuehuan struggled, she was finally taken out of Mingyue Villa.

Once out of the villa, Mingyuehuan really saw the image of the soldiers surrounding the village.I saw that the outside of the villa was densely surrounded by officers and soldiers, which made people feel timid.

So, she stopped screaming and stared blankly at the officers and soldiers, letting the servants escort her forward.

When the man was caught, Wang Taishou ordered the troops to withdraw and return to the city.

The news that Mingyuehuan was taken away quickly reached the ears of those behind the scenes hiding in the basement.Although he originally pushed Mingyuehuan out to prevent disasters, he was still a little annoyed when Mingyuehuan was actually taken away, and he ordered the people around him: "Put our people into Mingyue Villa as soon as possible."

No matter what, he must control Mingyue Villa in his hands.Otherwise, everything they planned before will be over.

"Yes, this subordinate will deal with it as soon as possible." The people around him responded and left quietly.

After that person left, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian also approached the secret room where the person behind the scenes was.

"It's the room with lights in front." The man who led the way stopped when he was about 50 meters away from the room.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the house, and then said to the person who led the way: "You wait here, if my people come, bring them over."

They left clues, and Qin Chao and others should find them soon.

After explaining to the man who led the way, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian quietly approached the house.At this time, Qin Chao and the others were hurrying towards the passage.

Following the clues left by Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, they quickly found the path they had walked and found it.

"Stop, there's someone in front." Qin Chao noticed a person standing in the passage from a distance, so he signaled his subordinates to stop.

When everyone around him stopped, Qin Chao made a gesture.

Immediately after the gesture, two people quietly approached each other.However, when the two were about to attack him, Na just turned his head and was shocked when he saw Qin Chao and the others.Opening his mouth, he wanted to exclaim, but thinking of what Yehuang had told him before, he immediately said, "Don't kill me, my own!"

As soon as these words came out, the movements of the two brothers who were about to make a move froze for a moment, and they changed their ultimate move to acupressure, directly restraining the man.

"I, I'm really my own. I didn't lie to you." The man was able to speak after being acupunctured, and quickly explained his identity.

Hearing the man's explanation, Qin Chao was dubious, but he didn't let anyone untie his acupoints, but ordered his subordinates: "Take him, let's go find the master."


The brothers responded and led the man forward together.

At this time, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian had already arrived at the door of the room. After they looked at each other, they immediately split up and took action.

(End of this chapter)

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