The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1270 Arrogant Moon Ring

Chapter 1270 Arrogant Moon Ring ([-])

"What's going on here?" Yehuang glanced at the prisoners in the prison, then turned to ask Qin Chao.

"My subordinates don't know either." Qin Chao shook his head. Although he arrived here earlier, he was still confused.

Yehuang turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian, but before she could speak, she heard him say: "Huang'er, these people are a little strange."

"Strange?" Yehuang turned her head to look at the people in the cell, and found something strange after a glance.

There were no less than thirty people locked up in this cell, and the wounds on their bodies were all fresh, as if they had just been beaten.

"Do you suspect this is a trap?" Yehuang asked in a low voice.

"Isn't it? You'll know if you try it." Shangguan Yuntian slightly hooked his lips. He not only suspected that this was a trap, but also suspected that this was a trick.

Fortunately, Qin Chao is not an impulsive person, and did not open the prison cell immediately, otherwise they might have saved a pack of wolves.

"How to try?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian with interest.She is not a fool, she didn't see it at first because of surprise and shock.

Now, after Shangguan Yuntian's suggestion, how could she, as a medical fairy, not see anything tricky?

Shangguan Yuntian did not directly answer Ye Huang's words, but waved to Qin Chao.

"Master?" Qin Chao came to Shangguan Yuntian and called out in a low voice.Shangguan Yuntian glanced at those people in the prison, and whispered in Qin Chao's ear.

Yehuang was close, and after hearing what the two said, she curled her lips into a smile.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were about to test those people in the prison, Ming Yuehuan was brought to Jiangcheng, but was not put in the prison, but brought to Sima Feng.

Since the injury on his body got better, Sima Feng left the place where Yehuang and the others lived, and lived in the other courtyard arranged for him by Wang Taishou.

Wang Taishou personally sent Mingyuehuan to the other courtyard and handed it over to Sima Feng's subordinates.

As soon as Ming Yuehuan entered the other courtyard, her original fear was swept away, and the expression on her face also quietly changed, becoming proud and arrogant again.

The reason why she was so honest before was that she was afraid that the prefect Wang would put her in a prison.But now, since she is not in prison, she has nothing to fear.

What's more, Wang Tailao ignored the officers and soldiers and quietly took her to another courtyard, which made her misunderstand even more.

She thought that the prefect was actually afraid of Mingyue Villa.The reason why he wanted to arrest her before was just because there were so many officers and soldiers watching, he didn't dare to show favoritism, so he just put on a show.

Now, the officers and soldiers are gone, so not only did Wang Taishou not put her in the prison, but took her to another courtyard, this is to show mercy and even treat her well.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuehuan raised her head and chest, followed Wang Taishou into the other courtyard, and came to the reception hall.

As soon as she entered the hall, Ming Yuehuan saw that the guards who were holding her hadn't let go of her. She couldn't help being a little annoyed, and sternly reprimanded: "You dog slave, why don't you let go of Miss Ben? Didn't you see Ben?" Miss thirsty?"

Wang Taishou, who was standing in the hall waiting for someone, heard Mingyuehuan's words, his face darkened, and he turned to look at her with the eyes of a monster.

Is this woman okay?When is this, and you still dare to put on airs like a young lady?It can't be that there is something wrong with the brain.

Just as she was thinking, Ming Yuehuan suddenly turned her head, glanced at Wang Taishou, with an arrogant and domineering expression on her face, and said, "Master Wang, why are you still in a daze? Why don't you let them untie me? If my lady loses one Hair, be careful that Mingyue Villa will make you unable to eat and walk around."

(End of this chapter)

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