The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1271 The Wrath of the Prime Minister

Chapter 1271 The Wrath of the Prime Minister ([-])

Hearing Mingyuehuan's words, Wang Taishou had only one thought in his mind, that is, Mingyuehuan was indeed mentally ill.

Otherwise, how could she say such a thing? She doesn't even think about who she is now, and she dares to play tricks here.Do you still think she is the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa?

Ming Yuehuan talked for a long time, seeing that Wang Taishou ignored her, her face darkened, and her voice became a little louder, saying: "Wang Taishou, didn't you hear what I said?"

No matter how good-tempered Wang Taishou was, he was a little annoyed by Mingyuehuan's yelling, and said coldly, "Mingyuehuan, shut your mouth, what do you think this is?"

"Where is it, isn't it the prefect's other courtyard? I know that. But what is this place, and what does it have to do with you asking someone to untie me?"

Ming Yuehuan was not happy anymore, she glared at Prefect Wang.At this time, she didn't realize at all that Wang Taishou was still standing in the hall just like her.

"Shut up, if you don't shut up again, don't blame me for being rude." Prefect Wang growled, disgusted with Mingyuehuan.

It's no wonder that Mingyue Villa was messed up by her, so blind and brainless, I really don't know how Ming Feng and his wife teach.

"Wang Taishou, do you dare to yell at me?" Ming Yuehuan's face darkened a little after being yelled at by Wang Taishou, and she looked at him sternly, and said, "You are not afraid that Mingyue Villa will make you not a prefect."

I have to say that Ming Yuehuan's brain is really different from ordinary people.Look, she even said such threatening words. Those who don't know how powerful she is in Mingyue Villa, even dare to stretch out her hand in the officialdom.

"You?" Wang Taishou was so angry that he wanted to say something but in the end he didn't say anything.Although this is his other courtyard, it is Prime Minister Sima Feng who lives now.In case his dispute with Mingyuehuan here annoys the Lord, he won't be able to find a place to cry.

Wang Taishou walked aside, ignored Ming Yuehuan, and quietly waited for Sima Feng's men to come out.

Ming Yuehuan saw that Wang Taishou ignored her and refused to let her be untied, so angry that she was half dead.Just as he was about to curse, there was a sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a man with the appearance of a follower come in, and said to Wang Taishou, "Master Wang has been waiting for a long time. My lord has said, just leave him to us."

The person who came was none other than Shuyan, Sima Feng's entourage.

After Shuyan finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted to the door: "Come in."

After the sound fell, two men dressed as guards walked in, glanced at the bright moon ring that was tied up, and stepped forward to take it.

Ming Yuehuan saw herself transferred from the hands of Wang Taishou to the hands of the other two, and her expression turned bad again. She turned to look at Wang Taishou and asked angrily, "Wang Taishou, what do you mean? Why did you hand me over to me?" give them?"

Wang Taishou didn't want to talk to Ming Yuehuan anymore, but looked at Shuyan and said to him: "Mr. Shu, please send my greetings to the Prime Minister for me."

After speaking, he pointed to Yuehuan again, and said: "Also, this woman is too arrogant, and she has problems with her mind, please remind adults to be more careful."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, Shuyan will pass on your words." Shuyan said lightly, and then politely sent Wang Taishou away.

From the beginning to the end, Sima Feng did not show up.Of course, it wasn't that he didn't show up, but that his injuries hadn't healed yet and he was recuperating on the bed.

After sending Wang Taishou away, Shu Yan took a look at Ming Yuehuan, and said to the two guards, "Take her to the execution room and greet her well."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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