The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1273 The Wrath of the Prime Minister

Chapter 1273 The Wrath of the Prime Minister ([-])
Also, did she meet the prime minister when she said she wanted to?

The two shook their heads, ignored Mingyuehuan, held the torture tools in their hands, and raised their hands: "You just give up, the prime minister will not see you before you are tortured."

"You guys, do you still have sympathy? You tortured me, a little girl, and your conscience was eaten by dogs? Don't you feel uneasy about your conscience?"

Seeing that the two of them were unwilling to take her to see the prime minister, Ming Yuehuan's face turned ugly, and she began to curse loudly.

The two guards were dumbfounded by Ming Yuehuan's scolding, and it took a while to react.At this time, like the previous Wang Taishou, they finally realized the feeling of encountering brain damage.

The two men who had regained their senses looked at each other, and the last trace of sympathy disappeared from their eyes, and they directly used punishment.

First the whip, then the soldering iron.

However, both of them deliberately avoided Ming Yuehuan's face, and only executed torture on her body.

When the first whip came down, Mingyuehuan still had the strength to yell, and even cursed loudly.But when she went down with the second whip, she could only cry bitterly.

Speaking of which, Ming Yuehuan disappeared since she was a child and grew up in the countryside, so it stands to reason that she also suffered a lot.In the organization, he is often punished for his tasks.

But those sufferings and punishments before are nothing compared to the punishments he is suffering now.I don't know if it's something in her heart or something else.

In short, Ming Yuehuan felt that the whip on her body was extremely painful.

The guard looked at Ming Yuehuan's imageless crying and didn't soften his heart, and continued to beat her with a whip.

After smoking, another guard put a branding iron on her body.

After finishing it together, when the two of them were about to take a rest, Shuyan came.

"Master Shu, why are you here?" Seeing Shuyan, two guards went up to meet him.

"How is she?" Shuyan glanced at the two of them, pointed to Ming Yuehuan and asked.He did it specifically to see the effect.

Ever since he knew that his master was captured by such a woman and tortured so badly, Shu Yan hated Ming Yuehuan.

Who is Sima Feng, not only Shuyan's master, but also his idol, the person he admires.But he was almost defiled by the woman in front of him.

"Passed out."

"Wash her awake with salt water."

Shu Yan instructed, thinking of the injuries on his master, he wished that Ling Chi could execute Ming Yuehuan several times.

Now, after using such a little punishment, he passed out, how can this be done.Is this just the beginning?

In fact, Ming Yuehuan fainted, half of it was from pain, and half was from fright.Moreover, she also had a small thought, that is, if she fainted, the two guards would not torture her again.

If she knew that Shuyan would make someone pour salt water on her wound when she was so dizzy, she probably wouldn't faint if she was killed.

Shuyan gave an order, and soon someone brought a bucket of salt water.

Seeing the salt water being brought in, a dark light flashed in Shuyan's eyes, he stepped forward to take it, took a scoop of water himself, and then watched Mingyuehuan splash it on the wound.

As soon as the salt water touched his body, it irritated the wound, causing Mingyue Huan to tremble in pain, and opened his eyes suddenly.

When she saw that the person standing in front of her was not the two execution guards but Shuyan, she thought of what he said when they met in the living room before, and her face changed again and again.

She knew that Shuyan was the one who could talk to the prime minister.Just as he was thinking about how to speak, Shuyan poured a ladle of water again.

Stimulated by the salt water again, Ming Yuehuan screamed uncontrollably.


(End of this chapter)

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