The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1274 The Wrath of the Prime Minister

Chapter 1274 The Wrath of the Prime Minister ([-])
The voice was shrill and miserable, and the three big men in the room couldn't help shaking their bodies.

However, none of them sympathized with Ming Yuehuan.Who told her to do such a thing first.All of this now can only be said to be her own fault.

In Shuyan's eyes, Mingyuehuan is the enemy who hurt the master.In the eyes of the two guards, Ming Yuehuan was someone who offended the prime minister without knowing how to do it.

You know, in their eyes, Prime Minister Sima Feng is very good both in reputation and character.He will never deal with a woman for no reason.

But now, he used this method to deal with Mingyue Huan, so it can be seen that Mingyue Huan must have done something that made the Prime Minister unbearable.

After screaming, Mingyuehuan passed out again.Shuyan looked at it, his eyes flickered, and then told the two guards: "Continue to torture."

"Yes!" The two agreed, picked another torture tool, and used it on the fainted Mingyue Huan.

Poor Mingyuehuan, even if she fainted, she could not escape the bad luck of being tortured.If she had known that she would end up like this, wouldn't she have relied on the power of Mingyue Villa to do whatever she wanted.

Ming Yuehuan woke up again from the torture, Shuyan looked almost, and then stopped the two guards, and then ordered: "Look at it, don't let her die, the prime minister may want to see her later .”

After giving the order, Shuyan left again.Mingyuehuan was put down, and someone changed her clothes.

However, the wounds on her body were not treated, just like Sima Feng was in Mingyue Villa back then, leaving her to fend for herself.

Mingyuehuan was awakened by pain.

When he woke up and found that he was not in the execution room, but in the room, his face was filled with joy.But soon, the joy on her face collapsed, because she found that her body was in severe pain.

After unbuttoning his clothes, he found that his body was covered with scars, but they hadn't been dealt with.In some places, there was still blood oozing out.

Looking at the wound on her body, Ming Yuehuan was stunned for a while.For some reason, one person came to mind, and that was Sima Feng, the man who was unwilling to bow his head to her no matter how much she tortured her.

Together with this idea, she was quickly thrown away.But as soon as he shook it off, the thought came up again.After repeating this, and thinking about the words of the two guards, some things that she deliberately ignored gradually became clear.

Relying on her status as the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, she has arrested many men and brought them back to the village.But she knew everything about them, the only one she didn't know was the man who was unwilling to submit to her.

Reminiscent of the carriage that the man was riding in when she arrested him, she slowly recalled it.

It's him!

The Prime Minister turned out to be him.She actually arrested a country's prime minister?
Mingyuehuan was shocked by this realization, and couldn't react for a long time.No wonder, no wonder they said she offended the Prime Minister, no wonder they tortured her.If it was that man, everything would make sense.

No wonder Wang Taishou came forward, no wonder he was able to send troops to besiege Mingyue Villa, because his identity turned out to be the prime minister.

At this time, Ming Yuehuan couldn't help but feel regret in his heart.If she had known the other party's identity a long time ago, she would never have done such a thing.

It's a pity that she was blinded by Sima Feng's appearance before, and she didn't realize that he was not someone she could afford.

But things have come to this point, and regrets are useless, what should she do now?
 Thank you for the reward that love does not explain, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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