The medical concubine is mad

1278 Chapter 1 3 catch all

Chapter 1278 All in one sweep ([-])
Seeing the man's quick reaction, Ye Huang was slightly surprised.

Then, however, she shot another embroidery needle.

In this way, the man quickly escaped from the cell while the man was dodging.As soon as the man saw that the prey in his hand had escaped, how could he be reconciled and immediately chased it out.

The man had no martial arts, but the man's martial arts were good, so he was caught almost without any suspense.Being caught again, the man wailed in his heart.He knew that today he could not escape the poisonous hand of the lord.

"Want to escape?" His Holiness grabbed the man and said coldly.Over the years, the prey in his hands has never escaped.

"My lord, spare my life, spare my life." Facing life and death, the man begged for mercy without ambition.

"Forgive me?" Hearing these words, His Holiness sneered again and again, not only did he not spare the man, but instead he got a knife from somewhere and stabbed it directly at the man.

How can the Lord forgive those who betrayed him?
Shangguan Yuntian watched the Lord attack the man, then turned to Yehuang and asked, "Do you want to save him?"

In any case, the man also helped them lead the way for a while, and it was not impossible to save his life.

Yehuang heard the words, shook her head, and said: "No need. I have saved him once just now, and I have repaid his kindness for leading us. Next, whether to live or die depends on his own ability."

Shangguan Yuntian didn't say anything after hearing Yehuang's words.Since Ye Huang said that he couldn't save them, then they just didn't want to save them.

While the two were talking, the lord had already left many wounds on the man's body.Blood oozes out, staining the clothes red.

With so many knives pierced into his body, the man was in excruciating pain. Coupled with the loss of blood, his face was already as pale as paper.He looked up at the lord, seeing the hatred and killing intent in his eyes, suddenly his aura changed, and he said, "Yes, that's right, I betrayed the lord, so what?" How? I don't want to die, I want to live, so what's wrong with me betraying you?"

"Heh, are you still reasonable?" His Holiness was furious when he heard this.He raised his hand and stabbed again, but it still didn't hit the man's vitals.Anyway, the fighting among his subordinates is not over yet, he has plenty of time to spend with men.

He wants to torture him slowly, making his life worse than death, so painful that he wants to live.

"Isn't it? It's better to live than to die, who would want to die?" Now that the man is willing to go all out, he is not afraid anymore, and let the Lord's knife pierce his body without even frowning.

However, the man's heart was never as calm as it appeared on the surface. He wanted to provoke the other party, and then let the other party finish him with a knife, so that he would not have to be tortured.

Of course, there is another reason.That is, he wanted Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian to see his tough self, and because of his toughness, he would give him a helping hand.

For some reason, the man was sure that as long as Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian thought about it, they would be able to save him.

"Hehe, you can speak well. However, betrayal is betrayal, so you must die today." The Lord sneered, although he knew that fear of death is a human nature, but he absolutely did not allow his subordinates to betray themselves because of fear of death.

Today, they and so many subordinates have come to this point, although he has his own reasons, but without the betrayal of the man in front of him, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian might not have found this place?
Therefore, in the final analysis, men still cannot escape responsibility.He will never let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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