The medical concubine is mad

1279 Chapter 1 4 catch all

Chapter 1279 All in one sweep ([-])
After the man said this, he saw that he didn't anger the Lord, nor did Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian look at him differently, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He really didn't want to be tortured now, he really didn't want to die like this.

But what can he do?
Revolt, he is no match for the Lord.Help, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian have already made a move, and they may not make a second move.

Could it be that he was really about to die under the Lord's hand?

The more the man thought about it, the more anxious he became, and there were more and more wounds on his body, and more and more bleeding.He already felt a little dizzy, and he would be finished if he didn't get out.

The man thought, and looked around, looking for a chance for him to escape.

It's a pity that the Lord is not a fool, he has already seen the man's plan, and is looking at him mockingly.

"Want to escape?" His Holiness asked in a cold voice.

The man was thinking about how to escape, when he heard this suddenly, he nodded without thinking.He didn't react until he finished nodding his head, and then looked at the Lord with an ugly expression.

"Don't think about it, the person in this deity's hands cannot escape."

His lord's words made the man's expression change several times.He knew what the lord said was right, but he was still unwilling to die like this.

However, since the lord saw his thoughts, the man had no choice but to break the jar.Looking openly, looking for opportunities.

Seeing that the man didn't listen to his own words, the Lord sneered again.He suddenly took out a black whistle-like thing from his neck, put it near his mouth and blew gently.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the man felt something strange in his body.So, he looked at the Lord in shock.If he didn't feel wrong just now, the strangeness in his body was the awakening of the sleepy cup worm.

Damn it, how could the Lord, how could there be a spiritual whistle to control the cup worms?Shouldn't this be in the hands of the woman who gave them the beetle?
However, before the man could figure it out, the worm on his body had already started to move, which made him kneel down on the ground uncontrollably, curled up in pain.

The Lord looked down at the man, although he was in a mess, but he couldn't hide his arrogance and coldness.He said that his prey cannot escape.

The man had already been seriously injured by him, and he lost a lot of blood, so if the gnat moved, he would have to die.

Blindly withdrawing his gaze, the Lord looked at his subordinates who were fighting.He was so focused on torturing the man just now that he didn't notice this at all.

After seeing this, his face couldn't help but become ugly.Obviously his people are more than twice that of Qin Chao and the others, but right now his people are not taking advantage of it.Not only that, but many of his people died.

On the other hand, the opponent was only slightly injured.

This result made the Lord very dissatisfied. He frowned and looked at the two parties in the fight, and then at Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian who were standing far away, thinking about countermeasures.

Now, almost all of his people are here, if they can't win, they will all die.It seemed that he had to use some extraordinary means.

Thinking, the man suddenly entered the cell again, then walked to a wall and took down a brick.

"What does he want to do?" Shangguan Yuntian frowned slightly as he watched the Lord's movements.At this time, wouldn't he want to escape?
But there shouldn't be a secret door in this cell. What exactly does he want to do?
"It's definitely not a good thing." Yehuang said lightly, but her eyes were fixed on the lord.Want to see, what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd?

 The fourth watch is over!Recommend Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: The Chief, let us pamper you wantonly! "


(End of this chapter)

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