The medical concubine is mad

1280 Chapter 1 5 catch all

Chapter 1280 All in one sweep ([-])
Of course, the other party's heart is suffocating, that's for sure.However, if there is something wrong with holding back, you have to look back.

The two watched the Lord's movements, and neither of them stopped them. They watched him take out something from the wall, and watched him leave the cell and walk towards the people who were fighting.

"What does he want to do?" Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian became more and more puzzled, and their eyes followed the lord closely.

The Lord soon came to the middle of the fight, and he threw the things in his hands into the field.The complexions of Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian changed, they could see clearly that what the other party was throwing was cup worms.

Damn it, he actually wanted to bet on Qin Chao and others.

Ye Huang became angry, and directly dodged towards the field.At the same time, she raised her jade hand, and a handful of poisonous powder went directly towards the lord.

The lord was pouring poison, and hadn't noticed the arrival of Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

He didn't react until the poisonous powder hit his face, and by the time he wanted to avoid it, it was already too late.The poisonous powder had already touched his body.

"You?" The lord took a step back, looking at Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian in front of him, his expression was extremely ugly.

These two people are obviously far away, how come they are in front of them in a blink of an eye?

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't speak, and they immediately moved their hands.Pity that Lord, he was poisoned just now, and now that Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian are teaming up again, how could he be an opponent, he was defeated in a few blows.

After the Lord's defeat, all his subordinates panicked, how could they have any intention of fighting Qin Chao and others.Even before, the lord threw the cup worms out, and Qin Chao and others were hit by the cup, but they still beat the lord's subordinates to pieces.

As soon as Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang intervened, the matter was settled.

Looking at the lord who fell on the ground and the people lying in disorder, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian came to Qin Chao and the others.

"How are you, are you all right?" Ye Huang asked first.

"It's okay!" Qin Chao shook his head, except for some external injuries, he didn't feel any discomfort in his body.

However, when Qin Chao said this, Yehuang was not at ease, and said: "Let me help you take a look first."

This worm has just entered the body, so it will be easier to deal with.If Qin Chao and others were really hit, she would get the cup worm out immediately.

Qin Chao and the others didn't refuse either, and stretched out their hands one by one, allowing Yehuang to help them feel the pulse.Fortunately, there are not many people who suffer from worms, only three or four.

Yehuang found out the location of the cup worm, and quickly forced it out with a silver needle.

The lord, who was still hanging on his breath, saw that the cup worm that he had finally got into the bodies of Qin Chao and the others was forced out by Yehuang with a few silver needles, and he fainted from anger.

Yehuang didn't have time to take care of the lord for the time being, and after forcing out the bugs from Qin Chao and the others one by one, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After solving the hidden danger, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian had nothing to worry about, so they looked at the fainted lord.

The two came to the lord, and Ye Huang untied the whistle from the other's neck.She has to study this thing carefully.

She remembered that the lord just blew the whistle just now, and the man who led them was in agony.

Thinking of that man, Yehuang glanced around and found him in a corner.

"Go and see if he's dead." Shangguan Yuntian followed Yehuang's gaze and instructed Qin Chao.

Qin Chao took the order, walked up to the man, glanced at him, stretched out his hand to test his breath, and found that he was still breathing slightly, so he said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Master, he is still alive."

When Ye Huang heard this, her eyes flickered, then she stood up and walked towards the huddled man.

 Thanks to Ice Emperor Weiwei for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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