The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 128 Heading to the border

Chapter 128 Heading to the Border ([-])

Ye Huang was talking to Mu Fei when the shopkeeper knocked on the door and came in, bringing in the information Ye Huang needed.

"Master, this is the document sent by the Master of Flower Pavilion, please have a look." The shopkeeper put a stack of documents in front of Ye Huang, and then withdrew.

After the shopkeeper left, Ye Huang ignored Mu Fei and picked up the information to read it.The speed at which she read the information was extremely fast, which made Mu Fei on the side a little stunned.

It wasn't until Yehuang finished reading the stack of materials that he came back to his senses, looked at her with admiration and said, "Boss, is this the end of reading? You are too awesome!"

Yehuang smiled faintly, and put away the materials.She has already put the contents in her mind, and these materials are no longer needed.

"Send this thing back." Yehuang asked Mu Fei to run errands, while she went into the room to rest.

When Mu Fei came back, he saw Ye Huang's closed door, and went back to his room to rest without disturbing her.

Yehuang stayed in the small town for half a day and one night to deal with some matters.Early the next morning, she took the dry food prepared by the shopkeeper and rode to the border with Mu Fei on horseback.

However, what Yehuang didn't know was that not long after she left the town, Shangguan Yuntian brought two guards into the town.

Shangguan Yuntian set off from Kyoto early in the morning, and hurried all the way, he didn't even have time to eat breakfast.When we arrived in the small town, I was hungry, so I decided to have breakfast before going on my way.

The three master and servant got off their horses and walked towards the largest restaurant in the town.After entering the restaurant, the three asked for some food, and asked Xiao Er to lead the horse down to feed it, then bought some dry food and continued on their way.

Not long after Shangguan Yuntian and his party left, Yehuang, who was on his way, received a letter from the shopkeeper Feige.

"Shangguan Yuntian? Why did he appear in the small town?" Yehuang frowned as she read the message on the note.

If it wasn't for the current news, Ye Huang would have almost forgotten him as a person.

Three years ago, she saved Shangguan Yuntian, but she didn't think that this guy would abandon her and run away by himself, it was too much.

Of course, Yehuang didn't really blame Shangguan Yuntian, after all he was a trouble, it would be better if he left, so as not to drag her down.

Just thinking of him leaving without saying goodbye, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

"Who?" Mu Fei didn't hear what Yehuang said, and asked.

"An insignificant person." Regarding Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang didn't want to say much, and just put it in a perfunctory manner.

Fortunately, Mu Fei is not a person who pursues the bottom line. Although he is the contact person between Yehuang and Tianji Pavilion, it is only when Yehuang is inconvenient.Now, just pretend it's nothing to do with him.

Yehuang, on the other hand, regretted it after saying this, and felt a little sorry.

After all, Mu Fei is the contact person between himself and Tianji Pavilion. The previous news was all through his hands, and he didn't mean to hide it from him. Thinking of what he did just now, he worried that Mu Fei would feel bad.

So, she stopped destroying the note and handed it to Mu Fei, "Look for yourself."

Mu Fei was surprised when he saw Ye Huang's actions, then took it and watched it.

"Shangguan Yuntian? Why is it him? Could it be that he is going to support the border?" Mu Fei asked in surprise. He hadn't forgotten that Shangguan Yuntian is the God of War in Yunzhao Kingdom, and he is best at fighting.

Now that the border war is starting, it is reasonable for the emperor to send him there.

Just as Mu Fei was thinking, his eyes fell on the note, he shook his head violently, and said, "No!"

"What's wrong?" Yehuang turned to look at Mu Fei, wondering what he was talking about.

 Continue at night!The two are about to meet, and they are excited when they think about it.Dear friends, guess if Shangguan Yuntian can deny Xiao Huang'er?
(End of this chapter)

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