The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 129 Heading to the border

Chapter 129 Heading to the Border ([-])

Hearing this, Mu Fei returned the note to Ye Huang, a little embarrassed, and said: "I think the appearance of King Yun is a bit wrong, if the emperor sent him to support the border, he must be with a large army, it is impossible to just Bring a few followers."

"I don't care what he does, as long as it doesn't hinder our way." Yehuang was obviously not interested in Shangguan Yuntian's affairs. She had been delayed for a day yesterday and only wanted to get to the border as soon as possible.

Mu Fei didn't say much, but there was one more question in his mind.

Riding the horse and galloping, Yehuang accelerated the speed of the journey.

Mu Fei followed closely behind and hurried away.

In the blink of an eye, most of the day passed, and the people and horses were a little tired. Yehuang was going to take a rest.

Just in time, she raised her eyes slightly, and saw a teahouse not far ahead for businessmen to rest.

So, Ye Huang said to Mu Fei: "Mu Fei, there is a tea shed in front, let's take a rest before going on our way."

"Okay!" Mu Fei was tired from riding a long time ago, and he was overjoyed to hear that he could rest. His originally exhausted expression instantly revived with full blood.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived in front of the tea shed, and a middle-aged man came out to greet me, "Do you want to take a break, two guest officers?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yehuang was slightly startled, then looked down at the middle-aged man.

With just one glance, she recognized the man in front of her. It was Uncle Li who she let go three years ago.

Seeing Uncle Li, Yehuang was full of thoughts. She raised her eyes and looked into the tea shed, trying to find another familiar figure.

Soon, she saw that the person who was busy serving tea to the guests was her former maid, Shiyu.

Seeing the two of them, Yehuang was a little taken aback.She clearly remembered the information that Hua sent back two years ago, saying that the two of them bought a small courtyard in a small town and lived well.

But today, she saw two people here, what is going on?

Could it be that something happened in the past two years?
Yehuang guessed that Mu Fei had already dismounted from the horse over there. Seeing her in a daze, she couldn't help shouting: "Boss, why are you in a daze, get off the horse quickly."

Yehuang regained consciousness, then got off the horse, threw the stiff rope to Uncle Li, let him lead the horse down, and walked towards the tea shed by herself.

After entering the tea shed, Shiyu greeted her with a smile on her face and asked, "You two guests, what do you want?"

Yehuang raised her eyes, looked at the poetry in front of her, and looked at her originally delicate but now weathered face, not knowing what to say.

Originally, she thought that if she didn't contact Shiyu and Uncle Li, they would have a good life.But she forgot that Shiyu is a maid who has signed a contract of selling herself, how can she be good without her master?

Seeing Yehuang in a daze again, Mu Fei couldn't help but look at her twice, and then asked for a pot of tea, a plate of beef, and a plate of peanuts.

"Guest officer, wait a moment!" After the poem finished speaking, she left their table directly.Obviously, she didn't recognize Yehuang at all.

Looking at Shiyu's busy figure, Yehuang felt mixed feelings in her heart, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.If they had known Shiyu earlier, they would have been reduced to selling tea here for a living. After she settled down three years ago, she would bring her with her no matter what.

It's just that things have already happened, so what's the use of her regretting?

The things were delivered by Uncle Li, while Shiyu was still busy in front of the stove, cooking noodles for another table of guests.

Uncle Li put down his things and was about to leave.Ye Huang suddenly stopped him and asked, "Uncle, are you two the only ones in this tea shed?"

 PS: Thank you for the reward of Devil's Kiss, and I will send you two Ranran Kiss
(End of this chapter)

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