The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1282 Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 1282 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Thinking about it, Shuyan left Sima Feng's room and went to discuss with the guards.

At this time, in the guest room, Ming Yuehuan thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to let Sima Feng relieve his anger, so he couldn't help becoming anxious.

If she couldn't dispel Sima Feng's anger, then this life would really be over.In the past, she could still act like a domineering lady by virtue of being the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa.

But now it seems that Ming Feng has completely given up on her, otherwise he wouldn't just let someone take her away like that.

The identity can't be used, the rest, she only has this body, and the ability to serve men that she has learned before.

But for these, she had to meet Sima Feng.

Thinking about it, Ming Yuehuan couldn't help getting up and heading towards the door.She stayed in this room all the time, so she definitely won't see Sima Feng.It's only possible if you go out.

Therefore, Ming Yuehuan endured the pain on her body, and moved towards the door bit by bit.

However, before she could reach the door, the door was pushed open.As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged woman with a ferocious face walked in.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Ming Yuehuan looked at the woman walking towards her with vigilance, her voice was a bit shrill.

The woman glanced at Ming Yuehuan lightly, and then said coldly: "Let's go, the higher-ups told you to do the laundry."

"What did you say? Washing clothes?" Ming Yuehuan stared at the woman with wide eyes.Let her do the laundry?Well, before returning to Mingyue Villa, she did do this kind of rough work, but since she returned to Mingyue Villa, she never touched dirty clothes, let alone washing them.

"What? If you don't wash your clothes, is it possible that you still want to go to the execution room?" The woman looked at Mingyuehuan with a mocking face. Although she didn't know why she fell to this point, she had heard of her name.

Robbing civilian men, this is what a cheap woman would do.And I heard that the men she robbed were not just one or two, but dozens.

As a woman, I naturally look down on women like Ming Yuehuan.

"do not want!"

As soon as the words torture room came out, Ming Yuehuan's body trembled reflexively, and his face turned pale.Compared with the punishment room, she should do laundry.

Seeing Mingyuehuan's performance like this, the woman was extremely satisfied, and said, "I'm Nanny Luo, come with me."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Ming Yuehuan could keep up or not, she went straight out of the room and left.

Ming Yuehuan took a look, gritted her teeth, and followed up.However, her body was in too much pain, and she had to endure great pain every step she took.

As a result, beads of sweat quickly appeared on her forehead and body.Sweat rolled down and seeped into the wound, causing her even more unbearable pain.

Before walking a few steps, Mingyuehuan couldn't hold on any longer. She supported the pillars in the corridor and stopped.

"What are you still doing here? Waiting for it to get dark?" Nanny Luo walked for a while, but found that Ming Yuehuan hadn't followed, so she had to go back to look for it.But when she found that Mingyuehuan was resting while supporting the pillar, she became angry all of a sudden.

"Nurse Luo, I, I really have no choice but to leave." Ming Yuehuan looked at Nanny Luo pitifully, pleading.She really couldn't walk, she was in too much pain.

At this time, she finally felt the pain that Sima Feng felt back then.

But she would rather not have this kind of experience.Ming Yuehuan was thinking, if the light flowed backwards, she would definitely stay far away from Sima Feng.

"There's no way to go? Do you mean that I want someone to send an eight-carrier sedan over?" Nanny Luo looked at Mingyuehuan with a mocking face, her face was smelly and cold, and her eyes were full of contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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